ROYAL HUNT for PP8 Headliner!


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
Going over many ideas in my head on who should headline ProgPower 8 I feel that Royal Hunt would be the perfect fit. These guys have been around for quite awhile making some kick ass power/progressive metal with hard rock heavily rooted into the sound. 9 albums under their belts plus live albums and a brand new live DVD just out plus they are working on a new one due out next summer... I feel this may be one hell of a choice and the ProgPower community would be very happy. Thoughts?
i think glenn somewhat dismissed that idea due to the fact that they have had cancellation issues in the past
I already made this same exact post. I just watched the DVD again, and John West is a phenomenal singer. It really is a shame that they have virtually been dismissed as they are a perfect fit for this festival and deserve the recognition. Paradox is a masterpiece.
Granted Glenn has voiced his concern over show cancellations with Royal Hunt. i have to agree they would blow the roof off of Centerstage. As one of only a few people on the forum to have ever heard them live i have to say THEY ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!! And John West man oh man what a singer and what a stage presence. you think DC Cooper was good in RH well, John blows him away.

So Glenn if you can see it in your big gracious promoter heart, PLEASE take a Chance get Royal Hunt, i don't think you would be sorry.
i probably want royal hunt just as much if not more than anyone else here, but its already been basically dismissed.

search up on glenns posts to find the exact words he said.

would be awesome though
yea, royal hunt definatly isnt coming

btw RH was way better with dc, although i do still love em
Going over many ideas in my head on who should headline ProgPower 8 I feel that Royal Hunt would be the perfect fit. These guys have been around for quite awhile making some kick ass power/progressive metal with hard rock heavily rooted into the sound. 9 albums under their belts plus live albums and a brand new live DVD just out plus they are working on a new one due out next summer... I feel this may be one hell of a choice and the ProgPower community would be very happy. Thoughts?


Royal Hunt would be perfect.