Ruins album finished, MySpace up!

For the record his is also missing a comma before USA, whereas both yours and mine, Jeff, have the comma haha

I was kinda weirded out hearing the final mix at first, almost like I totally forgot I played bass on this stuff :lol: In my defense it has been a while since I sent off the files. Jeff definitely did a killer job on the mix and this actually was very interesting to do, I hope more people can see their stuff come to fruition this way.
David, any update/info on the release date?

In case anyone is interested the Rhythm Guitars were quad-tracked with Krank Rev and the Leads were 6505 into Mesa Recto Cab.

Zach is a tight player to be able to quad-track some of those parts. :kickass:
David, any update/info on the release date?

In case anyone is interested the Rhythm Guitars were quad-tracked with Krank Rev and the Leads were 6505 into Mesa Recto Cab.

It'll probably be the first Monday in October, the way things are looking now.

I could've sworn it was 6505 for rhythm and Krank for lead? Maybe I'm insane... it's been suggested before!
oops forgot to update.... Out on iTunes October 5th, should be on Spotify start of December. Looking into costings for the physical but should be able to get something sorted!

Just trying to build up some promo now - if any of you guys like it add us on the myspace or tell a fellow metal friend! :rock:
wow how did you go about collaborating for all those instruments being so far away?

hehe it was for my uni dissertation originally so a lot of hard work - i have a 150 page document to go alongside it which explains exactly how everything was done (recording/mixing/online collaboration etc.) - if you're interested, message me and i'll send it across for you!
wow how did you go about collaborating for all those instruments being so far away?

David wrote the songs in Guitar Pro and sent them about... I wrote vocal parts and we all recorded our own parts.

It went extremely, well, considering there was no real task-master at hand. In hindsight, I can think of a lot of things that would have benefited from a third-party being there during the recording process (for all performers, myself included), but the end product turned out really well so I can't really do anything but Monday morning quarterback it!
Care to explain? Loving the tracks lads, great work all around!

just having someone there to push people on takes/get the best performances and recordings all round but there was quite a few time limitations/deadlines etc.
from a personal point of view i had a lot of problems with getting uni studio time, which meant drum recordings were really rushed & nowhere near the standard i would have wanted hence yeh a combination of things like that, but guess you learn from mistakes and the final thing still came out really well in the end :)

i'll message you the report link shortly!