
get a fucking life. you can't deal with what i say yourself so you post it on a board to get responses saying i'm a dumbass or asshole? if you didn't want to talk to me or didn't so desperately need a comment on your shitty .gif then you wouldn't have had to deal with this. now you're blocked so you won't have to deal with me ever. try to deal with problems yourself instead of coming crying to your board, you could've cried to other people on msn, but a board? please.
You guys are retarded. too bad there aren't tools for pulling the dents out of people's heads when mom drops them as a baby.
Enemy242 said:
get a fucking life. you can't deal with what i say yourself so you post it on a board to get responses saying i'm a dumbass or asshole? if you didn't want to talk to me or didn't so desperately need a comment on your shitty .gif then you wouldn't have had to deal with this. now you're blocked so you won't have to deal with me ever. try to deal with problems yourself instead of coming crying to your board, you could've cried to other people on msn, but a board? please.


You baby, I don't care what anyone thinks of this thread really. Just giving a sarcastic warning that Andrew, the once banned 13 year old is up to his stupid remarks again. :err:

And anyway, I think people should know that you're saying shit about 'em. I think delt would like what you said. But that's beside the fact. I had my fun and I don't care if people think this is an attention thread, a stupid thread, or funny. Get a life and stop trying to make this drama. The mature thing would have been not to respond to this thread.
Oh and don't worry, my dear, You've never been on my MSN list. ;)
oh really? then how did you magically come up with my name out of thin air to messege to show that little .gif of yours to? my msn isn't anywhere so i was obviously on your list for you to messege me.
Enemy242 said:
oh really? then how did you magically come up with my name out of thin air to messege to show that little .gif of yours to? my msn isn't anywhere so i was obviously on your list for you to messege me.

Get MSN Plus, my young friend. ;)

Now, I must say.. I think it's time for you to take a nap :D.

I'll "messege" you when you wake up :Smug:
when you were 13 did you take naps? i hope not, most 13 year olds don't have nap time. nice try at a stereotype (that doesn't exist) to insult me. and no you won't messege me cause you're blocked, and if that was just a try at the wake up for the nap thing you're a retard. you also have insults that suck more than a kid in 6th grade.
Enemy242 said:
when you were 13 did you take naps? i hope not, most 13 year olds don't have nap time. nice try at a stereotype (that doesn't exist) to insult me. and no you won't messege me cause you're blocked, and if that was just a try at the wake up for the nap thing you're a retard. you also have insults that suck more than a kid in 6th grade.


Oh my fucking gosh, you're still posting. Grow up a bit more than talk to me. I'm done with this thread and done with your crock shit. And please..
I believe it was keigergaard who said "if you label me, you negate me"

The important thing to remember here, is that this won't matter tomorow, but some things can have a long term effect on people.

Thinking positive and assuming people friends untill they prove otherwise is usually quite wise, and it can often be beter in the end if people are willing to forgive each other.

Among the first emotions humans feel when they are born is anger, and it is unfourtunate that it is only human nature to wear this like a grudge against life for the rest of our pysical existance.

I know andrew okay, so it is natural for me to take sides with him, but seriously Metalwarheart666 (if that IS your real name!) I know you're probably just trying to have fun, but dedicating a thread pointing out someones mistakes, (Or what you deem to be a mistake) Shows a certain ammount of Immaturity. Which may come from your age which I do not in fact know.

"You baby, I don't care what anyone thinks of this thread really." Why make it then? Obviously absolutely nothing positive has come out of it. Except maybe your own personal emjoyment, which really can't have been that high.

*internet hug*
i think it was Schwarzaneggar who said "Who is your daddy, and what does he do."