
erishkigal said:
"You baby, I don't care what anyone thinks of this thread really." Why make it then? Obviously absolutely nothing positive has come out of it. Except maybe your own personal emjoyment, which really can't have been that high.

*internet hug*

Because I wanted to bitch about something and it was sorta funny at the time.. :Smug:


Andrew, I had you blocked for months on months end at one point..Needled Warheart and some others who have MSN got annoyed when you added them to stupid convos after they told you not to. So..nap time, retarded, little boy :wave:
so why'd you unblock me? are you fucking retarded? you don't unblock someone for no reason after you go to the extreme of blocking them. and this isn't about what other people did, blocking me or whatnot, and what with you and your obsession with 13 year olds taking naps? 13 year olds do not take naps more than a normal adult would. get that through your thick fucking skull.
Bryan_Of_Bodom said:
maybe delt just sees the beauty in everyone we are all to blind to see?

or maybe he doesnt and just hits on everything that moves. even girls who are 14 years younger than him.....yeah...but hey i give you credit for trying :)

and i dont see what the fuss is. i havent ever really seen any annoying posts by this guy. and i kindof agree with some of the things about the pictures. i do think people kindof attention whore themselves on here. but whatever.
EDIT: (for first few posts) its..


fucking kids, who can't spell

and i'm 19, i still/used to take naps, cause i rarely sleep, so i nap during the day, usually around the time my daughter does