Runes To My Memory Video

DragonKeeper said:
The part where he gives the instructions on how and where to bury him remind me of when Beowulf is dying and he also gives instructions on his burial.

I don't he's giving burial instructions, I think they're just planning their expedition into Russia
yeah guys, lets study and interpret the deep meaning of the video! :p

anyway that song rules. the chorus is full of emotion, thats what i expect from AA!
video is pretty cool yeah.
That was fuckin great. Good job. And I think that he is waking up in Valhall at the end. I got chills down my spine.
maybe the runes coming to Johans memory gave his life back to him:)

i knew that they would shoot the first video for this song. it is the most emotional but at the same time one of the fiercest songs of this album
Real nice video. Though i'd liked to see some more "video" instead of playing. The 'dressed up' parts looked very neat, could have been some more, and not the flickering *flash, there goes a scene*-stuff
Forlornson said:
Yeah, and the stage with the big wall of lights.. Its starting to remind me of Children Of Bodom ><

That's EXACTLY what I thought when I watched the video. Pursuit of Vikings was more, let's call it "underground-style", but now you can see that that the band gained much more popularity during the last 2 years. Nevertheless, the song definetley got the video it deserved! :kickass:
the video is cool...the most amazing scenes are that runestone emerges few times during the last part of video.. i can't get snapshot of it 'cause it disappears abrubtly...that adds mysterious side to the video...