Russell Allen chat in HALF HOUR!!!!

bball_1523 said:
Hey are you Jenna from Gigantour forums? I'm symphonyofnevermorex.

Look's like he's having connection problems.

Hey dude, yes it is I !!

Looks like it's almost back up!! :Spin:
Here is the transcript:

Event Chat #21 with Symphony X vocalist, Russell Allen
3:30PM - 4:15PM EDT, August 21

pelahi <Q>Russell, brother, it’s great to see a heavy rock singer actually singing again. I’m a longtime guitar player but have just started taking singing lessons in the last couple months. Do you have any advice for someone who’s just getting started in heavy rock singing?
Russell <A>Don't over do it! Start slow and work your way into the power notes. You can perminently damage your vocal cords!!!

Samy104-Matrix <Q>Wich songs is your favourite of symphony-X?
Russell <A>Comunion and the Oricale

vfrex <Q>Would Symphony X consider doing a gig at Medieval Times?
Russell <A>haha your funny. If they did want to I could make it happen that's for sure! Meybe I can get Romeo to ride out on one of the horses

DETH <Q>hey Russell, yor singing is amazing man.. any plans on coming to Monterrey Mexico? if so, when?
Russell <A>Look for us in Mexico early next year. That's when we plan to come

symphonyofnevermorex <Q>Hey, what has been your favorite gigantour show so far?
Russell <A>Any show where the PA doesn't blow up. HAHAHA Really though the LA, Chicago, and Dallas shows so far seem to stick out as memorable moments

pelahi <Q>You’re in a band where 3/5 of the members are called “Michael.” Do you just refer to everyone by their last name?
Russell <A>Well what we do is use alittle of both... Romeo is Mike... Pinella is called P.... and Mike Lepond is just Lepond.

symphonyofnevermorex <Q>what do you think of Warrel Dane (Nevermore Singer)?
Russell <A>he's cool. I just talked to him at lunch today. I like the Nevermore guys. We hang out with them alot.

DETH <Q>what inspired you to sing?
Russell <A>I don't know really.. I just seemed to "have it" at a very early age. I was 5 when I first performed on stage. I've never looked back since then.

DETH <Q>hey Russell, which is your favourite song to perform live?
Russell <A>The Odyssey

symphonyofnevermorex <Q>did you ever take formal vocal lessons while growing up? I really wanna learn to sing better, but I'm unsure if vocal lessons is the right way to go because my main instrument is guitar.
Russell <A>No I never took any private lessons. I was in choir in school. That was where I learned basic music theory and to site read. I think you should definitely try to sing. If anything it will help you with your guitar playing. If you can sing it it will flow better on the guitar. After all all instruments try in vein to mimic the human voice

vfrex <Q>Hey Russel, have you considered giving us a brutal death metal growl on the upcoming album?
Russell <A>yea, but not like the run of the mill kind. I want to do somthing different... Perhaphs a little more "Evil"

shaq <Q>Are there any plans to take your project with Lande on the road at all, maybe after the new Symphony X album/tour?
Russell <A>No not yet

ingenkommentar <Q>Russell, your favorite Mega-record?
Russell <A>first one

sven2388 <Q>Hey Russel, I saw you tossing drumsticks around with Portnoy during DT's set in PIttsburgh, do you mess around with the other bands like that alot? I thought it was cool!
Russell <A>yea, we all get along great. It's cool to be apart of this whole thing.

shaq <Q>I was just watching the video clip of you guys from Pittsburgh and couldn't make out what it said on the shirt you were wearing. Care to shed some light on it?
Russell <A>"You call me a freak like it's a bad thing"

KeYz <Q>What do you think of the mixture of styles that this tour has? Do you feel your band fits the bill?
Russell <A>It's cool to have different types of music at a large festival like this. I think we fit just fine

Dragonfly <Q>Hello Russell ...Very cool of you to take the time to chat with us, thank you.::smile What line of work do you think you would have gone into if you were not in Symphony X?
Russell <A>Movies... I was a stuntman for 15 years

crudy21 <Q>Hi Russell from England, Any chances of Gigantour hitting Europe? You should come to Donington, you would love it!
Russell <A>You'd have to talk to the Big Dog (Dave) Only he know the future of Gigantour

Jenna <Q>I'm stoked about the new SX album... can you give us any hints about what to expect?
Russell <A>Dark, heavy, and passionate

Dragonfly <Q>You've mentioned that Pink Floyd was your ultimate favorite in early rock influences...What song hooked ya?
Russell <A>Time

sven2388 <Q>hey russell, do you watch the other bands at each show? i saw you watching DT at the pittsburgh show, I wish I wouldve seen members of other bands being blown away by DT as well!
Russell <A>I watch as many as I can. Each band offers somthing a little different that's what makes it cool. So, it's never boring.

anthemof2112 <Q>What other musicians in the business would you like to work with someday? Great job in Dallas by the way!
Russell <A>Thanx, Mikey D, Eddie Van Halen, John Paul Jones.... HAHAHA

symphonyofnevermorex <Q>I was wondering if you guys would ever re-record your self-titled album, with you of course, doing vocals?
Russell <A>Not any time soon. We have to get a new album done

KeYz <Q>Which band on the tour do you feel SymX most relates too?
Russell <A>Hmm, I'm not having a problem relating to anyone. But if you mean musiclly I guess DT and Mega. We're sort of in the middle :0

Dragonfly <Q>Somewhere i've read that you went to music school...What school was it, and what part of the curriculum did you enjoy most?
Russell <A>No I took music classes in school

KeYz <Q>With all the amazing singer you do night after night, what are some things you can do to make sure that voice of yours doesn't get damaged? I would assume you put a lot of time into warmups...
Russell <A>yea.. warmups are great when I really need them like today.. Hey speaking of wich we are going on soon.. I gotta Warm up!!! Thanx for all your great questions. Sorry if I couldn't answer them all but I'm out of time.. ROCK ON!!!

Interesting! I love his sense of humor...

I can see why "Time" hooked him on Pink Floyd...that would've been right up his alley to sing along to! David Gilmour is a vocalist that his voice matches very well.

The only worrisome thing is this death growl business. I just have to wonder what that means for the direction of the next album, because we'd been hearing before that wasn't going to happen.

Overall, cool interview, and a fun read!
Rose Immortal said:
Interesting! I love his sense of humor...

I can see why "Time" hooked him on Pink Floyd...that would've been right up his alley to sing along to! David Gilmour is a vocalist that his voice matches very well.

The only worrisome thing is this death growl business. I just have to wonder what that means for the direction of the next album, because we'd been hearing before that wasn't going to happen.

Overall, cool interview, and a fun read!
on the otherhand i'd be excited to hear Russell rip out a roar, he has the voice for it. you like Opeth, i thought?
Rose Immortal said:
I do like Opeth a lot...I'm just not sure it would be appropriate for Symphony X.

I'm sure he was joking around. There's no way SX would have growls. If anything, it'd be lower range vocals like what Warrel Dane did in "born" on Nevermore's latest. But probably not with all lower harmonies.
Actually, I heard that this next album is going to be A LOT different. Someone told me that it's less progressive, but I don't know what his source was, so don't hold this against me if I'm wrong.
i think the next album is going to be more atmospheric, heavier but very atmospheric, and not oriented on the "glorious" atmospheres like they did in "v" but very dark, like terror least thats what a understood from the interviews they had done recently.
Xtopher said:
i think the next album is going to be more atmospheric, heavier but very atmospheric, and not oriented on the "glorious" atmospheres like they did in "v" but very dark, like terror least thats what a understood from the interviews they had done recently.

haha, I'm hoping dark and gloomy like Opeth-like music.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
Actually, I heard that this next album is going to be A LOT different. Someone told me that it's less progressive, but I don't know what his source was, so don't hold this against me if I'm wrong.

well they haven't completely written it so...yeah, we've only heard that it is going to be heavy, and more darker than their previous efforts.

Pinnella mentioned in an interview that it would be bits of heaviness, dark, and progressive stuff.
I'm kind of happy that they're trying something different, because I don't think I'd like another album that sounds similar to all of their others. So, as long as they still have some of the sound that we're all used to, a change could definitely be a good thing.
If you want to know about the new album, listen to my radio show tonight (Tuesday) at 10pm est. My interview with them touches on the album. Go to the Romeo/Pinnella interview thread for details.

I come across as such a spammer. :yuk:
Wouldn't it be so weird hearing SymX with Rhapsody cheese vocals over it?

You know, the "And so it came to pass, mortals in the realm were cast into the shadows of the Mountain Of Antimor, and darkness reigned for a thousand years evermore!"