rusted_in_peace guy

Sorry, I try not to stick my nose where it doesn't belong but... what exactly are you going to do, jimbob, if he doesn't change it... and I agree with trapped, I personally find your avatar more disgusting than Rusted's hahahaha... fuck that is some sick shit rusted... seriously I come on this board sometimes in non ordinary mental states and that could seriously mess with me hahahaha.... stay metal
C'mon, Jimmy, it's fun to see such creativity!
I think he got it from Lovely website, I visit very often.
Rustman: Use this as your avatar...

Deary me rust. What ever you do dont post anything as big as Trapped did. Last time i saw something like that full size it changed my life for a couple of days. It was that bad.
Trapped, what kind of websites have you been visiting hahahaha... I belive that ruined my day. shit... there is no way I can get high after seeing that.