rusty cooley

DeathPact said:
at least im better than gavin WHAHAHHA think you might be a good bassist with your shit skill

Loll dude, you probably are, i'm not gonna conest that, but you need to learn to shut the fuck up when it comes to players like romeo and coley who BLATANTLY own your ass.
i respect him for being able to play as good as he does, but i personally dont like him, but that 9 string of his is badass.
"well, yeah, he can play fast as hell, but he sounds like a turkey being buttfucked
so it's not that good to my ears"

Damnit man! I have always thought what would turkey being buttfucked sound, but now i know it..
DeathPact said:
Go check out this, I think he is a poes btw
take the '8 string solo stuff'
WTF can somebody go club this tard for me?

Decadetroll said:
"well, yeah, he can play fast as hell, but he sounds like a turkey being buttfucked
so it's not that good to my ears"

Damnit man! I have always thought what would turkey being buttfucked sound, but now i know it..
yeah man
do you really think that's alexi, yngwie, romeo or cooley soloing live? hell no! it's the roadia fucking a turkey in the butt on the backstage in front of a microphone! :p