s.o.b. convicted


i kill eggs. sue me.
Aug 17, 2005
Those of you who were on the old board might remember this case - from Halloween 2005. Everyone here has been waiting and waiting to end this trial - 5 weeks and a day. I just remembered we discussed it back then and thought I'd give an update.

This just came through on my Yahoo home page as national A/P news:
Man freed by DNA found guilty in slaying

I know when it happened I found it on some world news things. It's just odd. Hilbert only has about 1000 people, that's where Teresa went to school - and it's where I went to school... with many of her cousins, one of whom is married to my sister.

Waited through this whole trial for today. I'm relieved, but a bit confused at the 2nd verdict. But relieved that the bastard will remain behind bars. ... and relieved that this whole community can begin to move on. It's like one of the biggest cases in Wisconsin history - nothing we really needed to have!

Those of you who were on the old board might remember this case - from Halloween 2005. Everyone here has been waiting and waiting to end this trial - 5 weeks and a day. I just remembered we discussed it back then and thought I'd give an update.

This just came through on my Yahoo home page as national A/P news:
Man freed by DNA found guilty in slaying

I know when it happened I found it on some world news things. It's just odd. Hilbert only has about 1000 people, that's where Teresa went to school - and it's where I went to school... with many of her cousins, one of whom is married to my sister.

Waited through this whole trial for today. I'm relieved, but a bit confused at the 2nd verdict. But relieved that the bastard will remain behind bars. ... and relieved that this whole community can begin to move on. It's like one of the biggest cases in Wisconsin history - nothing we really needed to have!


Hey Gina,

Glad to hear that this is finally over, and that fucker got what he deserved!
Although, why they aquitted on the second charge is a little strange, but at least he got he maximum.

Hope all is well with you and Eric, haven't seen you here for a while!:headbang:
Hi Steve,

Hope you're doing well, with your new organ and all :)

Oh how nice it will be not to see that guy's creepy fucking face on the tv all the time. And to think, I used to sell automotive stuff... going alone into places like that - scares me now thinking about it, didn't scare me then.

We're good. E's been working almost 24/7 and, when I'm not sick, I'm remodeling part of my basement to be a studio/jam room for upcoming long-awaited human and furry additions to my household that hopefully will be here by the end of 2007!

Both of us miss Seattle and our host there in January. We had a great time even though the weather was pretty crummy, only a little warmer than here.

take care~~

Hey Gina- So happy for your family that justice was served on those scumbags. I watched a couple of stories on TV on that and thought about you and your family. Good to see you on here!
Thanks Rafe,
Hopefully sometime soon we won't have to see that monster's face on the news every day. Was sad to hear this morning that my 4 year old niece recognized "Grandpa Dave and Mary" in the courtroom on tv. And my sister had to try to explain, more. But my niece was very happy that the bad man who hurt Teresa will be "tied up" now (her words) and never be able to hurt anybody or find her house. I'll be so glad when the news is finished with all this. The nephew's trial starts in April, so there's that yet, but damn I'll be happy when this is out of the news. I didn't really realize how much it affected me personally, ya know? I found myself pacing yesterday after it was announced that the verdict would be read within the next hour. From the sounds of things, damn near everyone in the state was waiting as well... It still freaks me out that I used to make sales calls alone to auto body shops, some of which were not very savory, if you know what I mean. It never even occurred to me the dangers.

Anyway, life marches on.
Hey Gina, it's good to hear that every once in a while justice is served. Hopefully life will regain some resemblance of normality for you.
Hey Gina, that is good news indeed. Sorry Bastard.....

Kinda freaked me out when I first look at your post, hehe sob, :lol:

Glad to hear you guys are doing good. Hope the basement jamroom comes out good, I am going to try and do mine this year also.

BTW, congrats on the upcoming furry and human additions!!