saako hevari enemmän naisii??

En mä niitä sillon kokonaan missannu.. kävin sillon täällä kattomassa kun ne riehuivat ihan kunnolla ja ihmettelin että mikäs meno täällä on :lol:

Joo tuo homopelle on näköjään taas täälä..

Vois tolle UM:n Markille ilmottaa että bannaa ton dorkan..
Originally posted by ~Rappion Lapsi~
Tommosen asian takia löi sua? Olisit nyt vaan menny kiltisti sinne pesulle.

Olet liian älykäs!

We're hate crew, we stand and won't fall...
We're all for none and none for all.
Fuck you! We'll fight til' the last hit
And we sure as hell ain't taking no shit!
chopped up and desecrated
severed and mutilated
bonegrinding and deathmachine
skinpeeled and left to bleed
I hear footsteps dosing in recognizing them from my early days.
The times are different the image remains the same,
repeating back flashes remembering the name, approaching visions of things.
I can't recall, a familiar smile awakes the pain.
Unkept promises, the night awaits, the act of confidence,
the kiss of Judas haunts me once again.
In your private chamber, you're all done.
The well earned silver pieces falling to the floor.
The flame of the candle costing movements to the wall,
your eyes filled with guilt keep staring at the door.
Originally posted by nikon87
Minä en.
Olen rokkkkkkkkkkkkimies

