Sabaton Joins Nuclear Blast!


Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
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Sabaton said:
After 10 years as a band and 4 albums we have decided what the next step in the evolution of Sabaton will be.

A contract with the biggest Heavy Metal label in the world has been signed and the next album will be released by Nuclear Blast in the spring of 2010.

The last album "The Art of War" touched the hearts of tousands and tousands of metalfans around the world, and with their help we are now ready to hit the studio and record our new album.

What way could we better end our 10´th year?
-See you all in 2010 under the Coat of Arms!

Awesome news. I hope they get to tour here.
Yes, this is GREAT news. These guys are so cool and if they continue their trajectory of Attero and AoW they will (continue to?) be a dominant band on the power metal scene. I'm glad to hear this and I agree that this should lead to better distribution.

Although it leads me to a question about distribution...

When I hear that word, it makes me think like the bands are happier that they'll be able to get CDs in stores around the country. However, whenever the issue of CD stores is raised on this board, people consistently mention how CD stores are no longer a viable option for buying the type of music we listen too. Also, I don't find that having more distribution means much difference in the price I pay when I buy from Amazon, CD Inzane, or what have you. I do understand the promotion side of being on a label, but I'd like to know from some of the labels or bands exactly how "distribution" is a major plus when CDs are so accessible online.
Yes, this is GREAT news. These guys are so cool and if they continue their trajectory of Attero and AoW they will (continue to?) be a dominant band on the power metal scene. I'm glad to hear this and I agree that this should lead to better distribution.

Although it leads me to a question about distribution...

When I hear that word, it makes me think like the bands are happier that they'll be able to get CDs in stores around the country. However, whenever the issue of CD stores is raised on this board, people consistently mention how CD stores are no longer a viable option for buying the type of music we listen too. Also, I don't find that having more distribution means much difference in the price I pay when I buy from Amazon, CD Inzane, or what have you. I do understand the promotion side of being on a label, but I'd like to know from some of the labels or bands exactly how "distribution" is a major plus when CDs are so accessible online.

Price can be a factor, since there are some artists who are import only and their stuff is expensive. That doesn't seem to be the case with Sabaton, but it is for others. Availabilty will increase at mainstream web stores, tho.

But the bigger deal is that you can be on the shelf US stores. Not as big of a deal when Best Buy is your best option, but it gets you eyes anyways. You could also get some promotion from the US label as well. To be honest, I never would have heard of Sabaton if I didn't go to ProgPower last year. Being on Nucular Blast at least gets the attention of people who buy other stuff from the label and see the promos for other titles.
I would guess more "distribution" really translates today into "more advertising. More promotion." NB spends money to advertise their bands on shows like Headbangers Ball and such. I would imagine they'd also partially fund a US tour.
Very cool. I know the band has been very frustrated that they've been unable to get true distribution here. This should remedy that issue.


Agreed, it's completely stupid no one had picked up this band for this long, but Nuclear Blast will certainly get the word out, and all good things come to those who wait, for sure.
The next question is will Sabaton allow NB to re-distribute their back catalog?

It's not up to Sabaton. It's up to Black Lodge or whoever released those albums, and chances are no, because NB doesn't like buying out back catalog.

Cool news for the band. I'm not a fan personally but I saw this coming a mile away as they are becoming huge in Europe. Props!
I would guess more "distribution" really translates today into "more advertising. More promotion." NB spends money to advertise their bands on shows like Headbangers Ball and such. I would imagine they'd also partially fund a US tour.

Definitely. With just having them on the "coming soon" on Amazon, will get more people interested in them. Not to mention like others have said, the price should be cheaper. Yes, you can buy their stuff at some of the metal distribution stores such as the ones that come to Progpower, but their shipping rates can be high, whereas Amazon is free.

Secondly I must say, Nuclear Blast is going crazy with these signings. Between Mustasch, Rhapsody, Symphony X and now Sabaton. A good thing for sure.
yeah...glad someone else mentioned this....they have been going crazy as of late.

At least NB gets thier bands out there and tours and promotes...nothing is worse than singing a band and then doing nothing.

I am sure Sabaton will be touring here soon...I bet next fall for sure.

ya for sure, I'm just glad that AT LEAST the bands that were recently signed have been "tried and true" for a long time, and not some random band that won some contest.
Great news for a great group of guys. They deserve it.

Their performance this past September ranks in my personal Top 5 ProgPower USA shows of all time.

that kind of stuff just shouts future headliner.

Which them getting on Nuclear Blast not only helps Sabaton, but when they reappear to headline ProgPowerUSA, that could be good for the festival I would hope?

or would that make them more difficult to gain as a future headliner being on a bigger label like that?