Saddest ending in a game or movie?

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Titanic for tear jerking.
But ATONEMENT. I absolutely love that film. It's so well directed, got it for Christmas and I have a crush on Keira Knightley. But in the end the lovers are killed and Bryony dies of old age. :(
i know this will kinda make me sound like a pussy but
the ending of the first spider-man movie
the funeral of Norman Osborne where Harry is wispering into his best freind's ear that he's gonna kill spider-man, even though he has no idea that he's actually talking to spider-man, and then the whole "Spiderman can't have a girlfriend" thing where Mary-Jane kisses Peter, realizes he's Spiderman, and they're still not going to date each other
also "the hero can't have a girlfriend" thing happenend in Daredevil and Ghost Rider as well, but the Spider-man one is the one that i remember as being really sad
Thelma and louise...but I always get a warm feeling too...mixed emotions I guess..Oh an someone said "The Mist".....Not sad just mind blowing, like "If you'd waited a minute longer dumbass"
Uh this is my first post so go easy on me, The saddest ending i have ever seen is the ending for Metal Gear Solid 4:Guns of the Patriots on the ps3, all 90 minutes of it. It was sad, heroic and tied up the entire series (which consumed a nice chunk of my life) perfectly. I think i was sad that it was over as well as moved by the storyline. The show Cowboy Bebop also had a pretty depressing ending.. Buffalo 66... thats all i can think of lol :rock:
Uh this is my first post so go easy on me, The saddest ending i have ever seen is the ending for Metal Gear Solid 4:Guns of the Patriots on the ps3, all 90 minutes of it. It was sad, heroic and tied up the entire series (which consumed a nice chunk of my life) perfectly. I think i was sad that it was over as well as moved by the storyline. The show Cowboy Bebop also had a pretty depressing ending.. Buffalo 66... thats all i can think of lol :rock:

Metal Gear Solid 3's ending was pretty sad too. I cried watching it...
OK.....Terms of Endearment when Emma (Debra Winger), dying from Cancer has to say good bye to her two sons.

Go this and try not to get choked up..:lol:


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The end of Titanic. Depressing. :(

And the ending of Zelda: Twilight Princess, while happy, was really sad because Midna broke the damn mirror. Anyone who's played Twilight Princess knew she was going to tell Link she loved him too.
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