SADUS: Return from Mex and upcoming shows


The 13th Monkey
Feb 12, 2002
Golden State
Ciuadad de Mexico D.F.
No se por que pasa...? Is it because we are Californian that we are so warmly welcomed in Mexico...? Well it was warm indeed, shorts & tank-top weather – which was quite a shock for us this time of year up here in freeze-your-ass-off-land. So it was good weather, good food, good drinks and good friends and we felt in top form to bring some Heavy Metal to the Hard Rock. We totally appreciate the fans who came out and thrashed it out for us and the killer support bands. For such quick notice, as we were taking the spot recently vacated by D.D.P. and little time to promote, it was a great turn-out and a really crazy and loud audience. I went to a television studio and was interviewed live on the air for a cable metal show, Telehit. The next day we actually afforded ourselves a day off and went to some crazy Aztec pyramids, it was here and when we felt the true Mexican spirit! Also want to thank Ricardo, Ayu, Francisco, Christian, Edgar and the rest of the gang for an awesome time there. And would love to also complain about the lovely American Airlines and the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport. What a cluster fuck... Well, we’re home alive and in possession of all our gear......barely. Good thing though, we finally have some local shows that I can start to pump. The “for sure” ones are somewhere in Sacramento on Friday March 28th, and on Sunday March 30th in San Francisco at The Independent with Testament. There are other Bay Area shows that are just awaiting a few final details to be announced, but when that falls in I’ll post all the upcoming shows.