Safari users


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
Lately I've been noticing that when I use Safari my hard drive goes to work like a mofo. Like it's being read in 10-20 second bursts. Firefox doesn't do this. (well no more than it's supposed to)

I'm wondering if anyone has this issue or has experienced the same thing. A Possible solution? Or is this normal and I just haven't noticed till now?

I stopped using Safari, didn't like it. Always been a Firefox man. Lots of people say Chrome is good. I may have to test it out again. Why is it.. better?
Chrome is lighter, faster and I believe more secure. I've been a long time Firefox user but it started to go slow after v3. I tried really hard to give Safari a chance but it's not getting any better. I'm using Chrome since a year or so and I didn't have a single problem with it. Try it.
Yeah. I've been using both. Think I'll stop using Safari for good now. Can't figure out why it's making my hard drive work like that though.

How do you get Firefox to remember to stay logged into a site though? (After restarting it)

I have to keep logging in each time I launch.
Usually the first time you log in to a site Firefox has a little bar that comes down under where the tab bar is, asking if you want it to remember the log-in. If not, check under Prefs > Security and make sure "Remember Passwords For Sites" is checked. It would drive me batty having to log-in to everything every time I want to use it :lol:
It is driving batty! I do have that checked. I did tell it to remember but I still have to start typing my info before it auto fills user name and pass. Then I have to wait for the log in and redirect. In Safari I just hit my bookmark, done. I'm thinking it should be the same in Firefox and something is wrong.

I'm having a bad browser day. :erk:

If I delete and reinstall Firefox will I loose my bookmarks and shit? I can't remember.
Chrome is lighter, faster and I believe more secure. I've been a long time Firefox user but it started to go slow after v3. I tried really hard to give Safari a chance but it's not getting any better. I'm using Chrome since a year or so and I didn't have a single problem with it. Try it.

exactly the same here. I´ve tried to get into Safari several times, you know to feel like an Apple geek, but it´s just retarded slow for some reason, it takes ages to open and to enter websites compared to firefox or chrome
I don't have this issue with safari, mine is ultra fast, I'd repair your permissions and make sure you're on the most current version
Something else I've been noticing about Safari lately, It handles .gif's like shit. The beach ball come out when I'm scrolling down these threads and say, someone has a .gif in their sig. Sometimes it even crashes Safari. These are all new issues for me.

I'll give the permission repair a try, just because I'm curious what went wrong. I don't think it's been that long since I repaired permission's though.
Something else I've been noticing about Safari lately, It handles .gif's like shit. The beach ball come out when I'm scrolling down these threads and say, someone has a .gif in their sig. Sometimes it even crashes Safari. These are all new issues for me.

I'll give the permission repair a try, just because I'm curious what went wrong. I don't think it's been that long since I repaired permission's though.

Yeah the gif thing isn't abnormal.. it makes the browser run slow sometimes if I come to a page with a lot of them but I've never had it crash