Safe flight arrival time?

DT Jesus

Licensed Progtologist
Feb 6, 2002
Just looking for general opinions. The airline I'm looking to take (Midwest Express) only has two non-stop options to Atlanta on friday. One arrives at 10:45 am, the other at 2:20 pm. 2:20 kinda scares me with the doors opening at 4:30. I imagine I'll want to be in line well before then.

Nothing wrong with the 10:45 arrival flight, other than it leaves milwaukee at 7:45 in the morning and I like sleep. :) Plus, I don't know what I'd do between 11:00 and 4:00.

Definitely go for the early flight. There will be a ton of people and it's a non-stop party! You might want to book a hotel room, they are filling fast. I have had mine booked for months. Progboy, where are you driving from? I am driving up from Orlando.
Hey Matt!

I'm flying Midwest Express too, but going down on Thursday. I chose the early flight for a couple of reasons:
1- I work at night and will be working the night before. I really would like to get some sleep before the partying begins (unlike last year, when I was up for 30+ hours. yuck)
2- I'll have some free time to tool around and check out the sights. I was in Atlanta when I was younger but really don't remember a lot about it. Will also have time to catch up with friends where I can actually HEAR them ;)

I hope the weather is as nice as it was last year too - that rocked. Especially coming from Wisconsin, hehe

We need to actually meet this year, you know.
