Saint Patric night


Bestia Romana
Feb 14, 2003
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If Im not wrong I think today its the Saint Patric day(...maybe night is better...)well,good wishes to you,Patric and to all the other hard drinkers of the forum.In every good Irish pub tonight will be some party,so if you are going out (Im movin in not so long...)have fun and return home W A S T E D ! ! !
Ah, thank you very much friend! Have 6 Murphy's and some ol' Scotch shots for me and my health! Cheers brother.
I did,Patric!Eh, couldnt lose myself so much for I had to return early(the guy I was with had some problem with the girlfriend so I had to drive him home)but I didnt figure at all like a Gaychael Jackson :D if you know what I mean.I tried tonight a special green beer,dont know what was inside but was tasty!
Cadarn said:
I tried tonight a special green beer,dont know what was inside but was tasty!

it's not a special green beer, it's normal beer only painted green with food colours because of St.Patricks Day, in the pubs in Vienna they alos painted the beer green...:yuk:
I think inside was blue curacao or somethin,I cannot say but the taste was different from the normal one.The red one I know its double malted.