Sala Jam Bergara


Jun 19, 2005
Estado de Euforia
Did anyone else see them tonight?

I love the band, it's the second time I've seen them, the first time was for the NY Steel benefit, so obviously there is no comparison.

The show was good, a few observations on my behalf.

Scott and Charlie didn't seem to be into it, Scott didn't start moving until the last few minutes, Joey was looking at his watch every so often, the show wasn't that loud, and it only lasted about an hour and a half.

In the end the whole place started whistling (the equivalent to booing), because they wouldn't come out and play anything else. Good show, but with a day off in between dates, I guess everyone figured they might have put the extra effort in.
Yeah, I guess all that jumping and headbanging the first 85 minutes of the show doesn't count as moving. Next time I'll see if I can step it up.
Oh, and our soundman was sick and had to stay in Mallorca and we didn't cancel.
Joey doesn't wear a watch.
4 encores.
All in all, a great review. Sorry if I'm coming off as a dick, but we are out here on an insane schedule, barely making it to the gigs on a bus with no air conditioning and I know how hard we're working to give 100% every night.
No your not a dick, you're a man, and have stepped up to the plate!

I don't want to argue, if that's what happened, I'll take your word for it, you would obviously know better then I would.

Just my observations, it looked like Joey was wearig a watch, either that or he likes looking a black wrist band!

I too don't want to come off as a dick, and I know you can't make everyone happy. I still had a great time, and in my wildest dreams, being originally from Dover (the Showplace), would I have ever of imagined seeing Anthrax here, in Bergara. Hope you guys had a good time, and come back.
Now that you mention it, I thought Joey kept looking at his watch at the Glasgow show too. Maybe it was some subtle "Persistence of Time" stage craft :)
Don't know about Bergara, but the Madrid show Kicked some serious asses. The energy and chemistry of the band was outstanding. After the anthrax show, Dio took the stage and man, that was boring as hell! Even my friend, who is an insane diehard Dio fan was bored...playing after Anthrax is not a great deal, Ronnie!
Ronnie played the night before us in Bergara. We thought it was lame that the promoters split the show up for Bergara. It didn't make any sense for us to not play together. Anyway, I thought the crowd was great. We'de never been there before and didn't know what to expect. Thanks for the welcome.
Mr. Wu said:
Yeah, I guess all that jumping and headbanging the first 85 minutes of the show doesn't count as moving. Next time I'll see if I can step it up.
Oh, and our soundman was sick and had to stay in Mallorca and we didn't cancel.
Joey doesn't wear a watch.
4 encores.
All in all, a great review. Sorry if I'm coming off as a dick, but we are out here on an insane schedule, barely making it to the gigs on a bus with no air conditioning and I know how hard we're working to give 100% every night.

I've been in La Riviera show, Madrid and it was crazy! I've never seen Anthrax before and... no words to describe it. The only thing that dissapointed me was the length of the show. In my opinion, less than 90 minutes is not enough to enjoy Anthrax at full throttle. But at least I've had the oportunity to see this reunion tour. I hope they will come here again with their current formation, because I want to be there enjoying all the other songs. I missed the concert in 2003 in Madrid because I made a fucking 6 hour computer science exam and I lost the opportunity to enjoy the 'new stuff'. But I have to say that if they stay this way, I will go to see them again.
Ah! and the Dimebag tribute kicked ass. Hope to see you soon in Madrid.