Sales updates


Sep 11, 2010
Heart of Dixie
Forgive me if the question I'm about to ask is considered to be poor form or rude in any way. Seventh Wonder is by far my favorite discovery of 2010. I have no clue how many CD sales are considered to be a success in the prog world, but I suspect based upon the interest generated here in the states, TGE is going to be SW's most successful release to date.

Since all of us on this forum are basically SW fanboys, I know we all hope that TGE beats sales expectations by miles. Andreas, would you mind keeping us posted as to how the new release is measuring up to sales expectations?

Again, I apologize if this question is considered to be rude.

First of all -there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

We don't know yet. The record sales are disclosed to us on a semi-anual basis so I don't think we'll know anything until April...
Even then I think I would be reluctant to share exact numbers as that also gives away details on deals etc which I will leave it up to Lion Music to disclose.

However, we can of course share data in relative terms, like comparing the sales of the different albums to each others and so on, but honestly I don't really know that myself....

I think this is about right though (if you don't mind me getting all mathematical on y'all);

If Become sold X albums, then
WITW: 1.5X
MF: 3X
Thanks Andreas. Your mathematical formula was what I was hoping for. I am not quite nosy enough to ask for exact numbers, just a general trend. As you pointed out on a previous thread, SW doesn't make their living thru music. I'd love for you guys to be able to be full time musicians if that's what you want.

Here's hoping for 10X!
I plotted the figures mentioned by Andreas against time (release year for the records), and then fitted an exponential curve (y0+A*exp(x/t)) extrapolated to 2010. This resulted in an expected sale of approximately 5.8 times of the sales for Become. Nerdy? Yes probably...interesting? Perhaps.