Salute to Tribute and Cover Bands


May 31, 2005
I would like to acknowlege and thank the countless Tribute and Cover bands throughout the USA and the world. Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Anthrax, and AC/DC can't be everywhere every Saturday night, The Beatles are dropping like flies, and Rush only Tours once every 4 or 5 years nowadays. Hell, Guns and Roses couldn't be counted to finish a tour even when the real thing was on tour! In any given town on any given weekend, those who wish to hear their favorite tunes and rock out show up at their local bar/theator/club, ready to get wild, down some beer, and have a good time. We scream, we shout, we throw our hands ( lighters for ballads ) in the air, we mosh, we head bang, whatever feels right. The Demi-gods of rock for the night, the hard working tribute and cover bands are on the stage delivering the metal we shelled out our hard earned to cash to hear.
Anyone who wants to diss cover and tribute musicians can kiss my white ass!
For the night, when they are on that stage, they become whatever they are paying tribute to, the covers entertain a crowd that knows all the words, has air guitared or played along to every solo. Maybe it's what they are destined to do, maybe it's just a stepping stone in between other projects where they write their own material. As long as they enjoy rocking each night, and as long us fans enjoy the show, that's what rock and roll is all about! Thank you Maidens, OC/DC, Empyre, Thunderhead, Master of Puppets, John Doe, Beaowulf, Cheese, Stacey Collins and Lucky Star Band, and all the other Tribute and Cover bands who helped me have a good time througout the years. We appreciate what you all do or have done, and will be there to support you as long as both you will rock and we will be rocked. UP THE F*CKING IRONS!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I was 19-20 years old, my favourite cover band was Beauwulf, out of St. Louis. They had a bad ass singer named Gretchen and they did Judas Priest, Metallica, Quiet Riot, Led Zepplin, Styx, and Alice in Chains, among others. That Gretchen, by the way, was future county star Gretchen Wilson.
kellver said:
When I was 19-20 years old, my favourite cover band was Beauwulf, out of St. Louis. They had a bad ass singer named Gretchen and they did Judas Priest, Metallica, Quiet Riot, Led Zepplin, Styx, and Alice in Chains, among others. That Gretchen, by the way, was future county star Gretchen Wilson.

That's a great story! I like Gretchen Wilson, she sings her butt off - I knew she was more than just a red neck woman! :headbang: