Tribute CD Title ideas?!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Anyone have any cute ideas for a title for our new Tribute CD they wanna throw our way? We have some cool ideas, but want to see if anyone can come up with something that will just blow ours away! Also, if anyone wants to submit artwork for consideration, we have not made our final decision to our cover yet, but are getting close. :headbang:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Anyone have any cute ideas for a title for our new Tribute CD they wanna throw our way? We have some cool ideas, but want to see if anyone can come up with something that will just blow ours away! Also, if anyone wants to submit artwork for consideration, we have not made our final decision to our cover yet, but are getting close. :headbang:

Gimmi a day or two and I'll throw some yer way.. work brain work :)
Better off "Ed"
Swingin' To the Classics (two three four.....ah nevermind...)
Maiden Inside (like the Intel logo)
Estrogen Inside (see above)
Maiden's Mistresses
Mistress's of Maiden
Vol. 1

and this one is real bad but I put it up here anyway, someone may laugh at it...sorry!

( I cut it out 'cause it was totaly tasteless and so very bad )
bestwestranger said:
and this one is real bad but I put it up here anyway, someone may laugh at it...sorry!

( I cut it out 'cause it was totaly tasteless and so very bad )
You didn't go with Powerslut did you? It fits the above tasteless criteria, but a funny parody.

Or... Maiden Form
Damn, those are some good ones.

My first though is something that replicates what the band is doing. Since Iron Maiden's first album is just called Iron Maiden, my thought is to call it The Iron Maidens. How original eh? dah. But, their first album isn't really the first album songs, so doesn't hold much weight. So...

The Iron Maidens
Eddie's Maidens
Maidens Beasts
A Real Maidens One
Where Maidens Dare
alanbirdsell said:
You didn't go with Powerslut did you? It fits the above tasteless criteria, but a funny parody.

LOL! Powerslut is a good one! No, mine was pretty bad, and looking back I don't know how funny it actually was. I don't know the girls well enough to have left it up. :oops: I sometimes forget that not everyone shares my sense of humor. My inhibitions and judgement tend to be a little more slack online than they are in real life.
I'm surprised nobody has said Blood Sisters or even Die With Your Pumps On. ehh.. simple and catchy (kinda). Just pulled some ideas out of the old noodle :Spam: spam? wtf?
It is actually a quite difficult task pondering a title for a cover album. I need to put on another pot of coffee. :hotjump: im not mad, that just looks funny
Ok, I think I have it:

"Numbers To The Beast"

Whaddya think? Either that or how about "Estrogenslave" with a big ol Edwina egyptian style tomb on the cover? HEHE


PS: wife just sugested another play on words "Powermistress" :)

PS: regarding artwork, does anyone there have a copy of the femaled version of the Egyptian Eye of Ra I made up (eye of ra with lashes)?
Maiden Voyage

And then for the band photo you could recreate the photo in the Live After Death CD booklet of Maiden in Long Beach across the water from the Queen Mary.

This would be better if Rime of The Ancient Mariner is on the CD.
Here's another one, not as directly related to a Maiden song, but still a good one my wife came up with: "Hell Hath No Fury"

Maybe a spoof of the Purgatory cover, with Edwina controling Eddie, etc? :)
this has nothing to do with anything but i just wanted to say that i really like the song "Invaders" the bass is F'ing awesome
I love the ideas! Great stuff! Keep it coming! Some of our ideas were suggested here already, but there are a few that nobody has touched yet.

Hey MexToTheMa, we love Invaders too!