Artwork dudes, need some stuff for our Dio Tribute album!

I'll do a seperate letter to ask permission for use of the logo. That artwork is f'n amazing.

I found the perfect artwork! It's a tribute done by AlexanderExorcist on DeviantArt and I contacted him to ask if he would let us use this image and he agreed! He is redesigning it so it fits the dimensions of a CD cover.


Great find. It looks great, so detailed.
Superfreak hasn't been around since 15th of december. My guess is he'll login sometime next year. I've sent him a pm so hopefully hell chime in as soon as he login.
We can always pm AlexanderExorcist over on DeviantArt ourself?

You're right, any volunteers?

BTW, if this is going to be a digital release only, why don't we make it into a DVD sized artwork instead? That way we don't have to crop the artwork

why didn't we think about that before? I like this idea
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been checking in more often... busy with life. AlexanderExorcist never got back to me about the re-sizing of his artwork but he did agree to let us use it.


I do not mind. If you need it's not urgent, I would like to make a small redesign of this artwork, in order to be better look at the cover.

PS Sorry for my bad english

Best regards, Exorcist

So if we wish to use it as-is, it's all good.