Artwork dudes, need some stuff for our Dio Tribute album!

How do all the cover songs were doing then? I'm sure they're copyrighted too.


anyway, if a version with photos ends up as beeing choses we could search for dio live shots in some photographers portfolios and ask them, at least you know who to ask in that case.
I can ask my brother to do an original artwork for the cover. He´s a huge Dio fan and can draw better than me. Here´s a sample of his style.

I found the perfect artwork! It's a tribute done by AlexanderExorcist on DeviantArt and I contacted him to ask if he would let us use this image and he agreed! He is redesigning it so it fits the dimensions of a CD cover.

We could use some other font that looks like the logo...I think this last one is quite similar

But tbh, I think until we're not sure if the songs are legit I wouldnt care too much about this logo^^