Artwork dudes, need some stuff for our Dio Tribute album!

Mago where are youuuu

lol sorry man I had a few versions I killed again because I didnt like them^^

so here's the one I ended up with.

the fonts maybe are a bit small, but I think its got a nice vibe.
and I finally could use my favorite color combination haha
more like this?

There is one problem with these covers, altho they are look good; You can't use copyrighted images (meaning the photo of Ronnie and DIO logo) unless you've taken them yourself. I still think the one Paulie did is more DIO-esquee type cover. If it would be combined to the textpart from Mago's (or digitalmikey's green one), I think we might have a winner
Well as far as the imagery goes, I know quite a few people that knew RJD and his wife Wendy. I will make some calls tonight and see if we can get approval to use the logo from Wendy.

dude, while you're at it, can you see about getting official approval from her about the whole thing?

I'm sure you're already on top of all that but I'll feel better knowing I asked ;)
Do those copyright laws apply if you aren't selling anything? I mean, it's nothing "official"...

Thanks for the appreciation of my version, I was going for that oldschool DIO album cover style.. rather than something straight tribute-ish.. but those last two (text-wise especially) where awesome.. font's have always been my downfall.. haha.

Oh, BTW, I'm gonna redo the tombstone tonight, Maybe just an encircled crucifix style monument vs the obelisk.. and what did everyone think of the Angel comforting the Demon on mine?


This is badass too! :worship:

thanks carlos!

good point @ Anssi about the copyright though
I could use some font similar to the "DIO" writing, but im pretty fucked concerning the photos in that case.
maybe this doesnt apply if its not "printed"?
because I think it doesnt make a difference if it is commercial or non commercial, but maybe if we dont print it theres some way to avoid the copyright...
We could try to ask the photographers for permission of specific fotos, but its not easy to find out who these were.
or I'll search for some free photos that are allowed to be used...
depends on which cover the guys want though :D

Oh, BTW, I'm gonna redo the tombstone tonight, Maybe just an encircled crucifix style monument vs the obelisk.. and what did everyone think of the Angel comforting the Demon on mine?

I have no idea how you made this picture (at that kind of stuff im really a noob), but i think the tombstone looks like a dick :lol: ;)
The pic has a really nice vibe, but overall its a bit too kitschy for my tastes...with the clouds and rainbow and everything...
although it fits the whole metal stuff quite well somehow
Jason, let us know if you manage to contact wendy or something!

I like the angel thing paul, in fact I like the whole concept of your artwork, and I don't know much about graphic design, but it seems a bit too "raw", like it needs some polishing or something.

Mago, I really really like yours! Now I don't know if I prefer yours or Mikey's. Glad you finally did something for this
I believe the obvious and easiest thing to do is wait until we find out if we can use certain images, etc ... and make a new thread with the different art submissions and just have everyone involved with the tribute vote on it

"involved" pertains to anyone who is contributing to this, either through performances, artwork, mixing, mastering, etc ...
How do all the cover songs were doing then? I'm sure they're copyrighted too.

I liked the green/blueish one, it looked a bit lo-fi though. Could probably look much better with some more work put into it.
Mago's were also nice. The font looked great.
Paulie's were nice as well. I liked that fantasy theme.
I like the angel thing paul, in fact I like the whole concept of your artwork, and I don't know much about graphic design, but it seems a bit too "raw", like it needs some polishing or something.

Yeh, I should really go back to it and take some more time blending my diff elements and stuff and just polishing the overall presentation, but I figured I'd through up some rough stuff.. I like the new tombstone I have going I'll have to post that later tonight and show you guys.. much less Phalic.. (btw, that's a real stock photo I had from along time ago of an obelisk) I have alot of licensed stock photos of things.. so I have references to draw over if I need an idea and such...
