The Little Dolls


Dec 14, 2004
Hey Linda and Sara looks like I'll be playing in a band opening up for your upcoming Palidinos show with the Little Dolls... Ironically enough, we're a Maiden tribute band! hahahah... SO Linda, should our drummer spontaneously blow up in Spinal Tap fashion, we know we're covered! ;-)

That is of course if I don't get a REAL job that weekend (I work freelance) and have to bow out... (That would suck!) So far, nothing else conflicing.... We're making our debut show this Sat. at 14 Below in Santa Monica. (Wish us luck!)

Anyway, look forward to seeing your other tribute!


Looking forward to it too!

We had our first gig as a band this last Sat. at 14 Below in Santa Monica and it went awesome. Looking forward to hear your opinions! Any particular tune you like? (maybe a sit in?) I think we only have about a 45 minute slot so the setlist will probably be something like...

Ides of March
Aces High
The Trooper
Flight of Icarus
The Number of the Beast
Run to the Hills
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Iron Maiden

I could think of an entirely different setlist I would prefer to play, but I DO see the validity of being in an Iron Maiden tribute and HAVING to play Run to the Hills or The Number of the Beast. Still I much prefer songs like Murders in the Rue Morgue, Phantom, Infinite Dreams, Remember Tomorrow, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, To Tame a Land...

Or in other words... all the BASS heavies :loco:

If we have time, we may slap in The Prisoner or Where Eagles Dare... (Seems like a lot of the guys in the band are caught in the mid golden years era. Me? I love it all!

I believe we are on right before you Linda... how appropriate eh? The first show went well. A few minor hitches... I stepped on the (Adrian) guitarist's pedal and pulled out a cable in one song and then I hada minor amp glitch... (which turned out to be the precursor for my amp completely dying then next band practice we had!) Other than that, really fun to play live again. It was the first time for me in about 15 years since I quit playing in bands.

Aja, hope you make it down... I also hope I don't get a proper paying job (I work freelance in film, so ya never know!) because THAT would really blow. I'm the only one in the band with an unpredictable schedule but the rest of the guys are really cool about it and we've worked out a "backup" bassist idea and are auditioning a few guys this upcoming week.

Really looking forward to seeing the Little Dolls. Ozzy was one of my first obsessions in music and it'll be cool to hear all those tunes again live. I really wish I had be old enough to have seen Randy play. I was obsessed with RR for many years. I still get chills listening to him play. The solo on Over the Mountain is a particular favorite for sheer craziness. Mr. Crowley doesn't suck either... ;-)

Indeed Linda, however, the REAL question is Patrón or no Patrón... The last time at McMurphey's I had to work a few hours later and I was pretty wobbly in the knees. UGH!

Looks like I hopefully won't have work the next day. But if I do, I'll be flying to New York so I can be miserable in coach, which is always the case anyway!

Here's a few pics from our first show... A buddy had a camera so they're mostly of little ol' me!






Uppin' the Irons!
Hey hey all :) I'll be street teamin' for the Little Dolls here, but unfortunatly on the nights you'll be here I'll be in Vegas! So yah for vacation, booo for missing my friends. Hope you have some great shows and I'll do what I can to pump things up in advance.. heh
Yes it's a Trace Elliot preamp. The last remnant of my original rig from the late 80s early 90s... I sold of most of my rig except my basses when I quit playing in bands. However, when Maiden reformed with Dickinson, it also coincided with me getting back to my instruments and eventually playing in a band again. Ironically, a buddy of mine was also an ex musician and had 90% of the same gear I had sold off!

So now instead of a GK 800RB, I have a Hartke 7000 amp. Other than that, it's my old system. Fucking sounds balls-on Harris. Gotta love that signature clankity-clank!

Yea, you'll hear!
NoEffenPicks said:
Indeed Linda, however, the REAL question is Patrón or no Patrón... The last time at McMurphey's I had to work a few hours later and I was pretty wobbly in the knees. UGH!

Looks like I hopefully won't have work the next day. But if I do, I'll be flying to New York so I can be miserable in coach, which is always the case anyway!

PATRON!! :saint: :oops: :) Just one (at a time!) :p

Hey NoEffenPicks, check your pms please..:cool:
How "Effen" cool is it to have the Maidens rootin' for ya on the side of the stage! You gals are pro all the way. Thank you Thank you thank you for helping make our sophmore effort live feel like home.

The Little Dolls kicked ass by the way. It was really nice to hear Sara shredding loud and clear. Showcasing just what she can really do. Great job. Linda rocked as always, what a powerhouse.

As for the rest of ya! It was a pleasure to meet you. I think a female voice did amazing justice to Ozzy live. In fact, much better than Oz himself for the last decade or so! ;-)

Let's do it again sometime!
thanks chris! it was fun watching someone else jam the maiden - i was playing air drums and singing it yeah! i love your guys name too - good choice! reminds me of our friends in seattle :) welcome to the family!
Ya Chris, thanks for the warm up! Watching you guys got me all worked up I didn't need to warm up for our set! Just so everyone knows,.....Chris is an excellent bass player! Your chops are great!
Thanks Sara... We had a banner made and ready for the Pali's gig, but with all you gal's proppage everywhere... no where to hang it with the little setup time we had! No worries.

Also, it was particularly good timing, I had just gone over to your side of the stage to watch you shred up close when Mark's antiquated bass rig bandaid started crapping... Someone used the term "leaping like the FTP Flourist" as I bounded across the stage to help power up my rig for Terry.... Hahaha.

Bands helping bands. The way it should be.
