Salvia Divinorum. weeeee!


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
so, bout six months ago had my first experience with this, uhh, herb. crazy shit. saw the world in ways i never could have imagined! each time i've done it since has been slightly different. my favorite though, was when i smoked full bowl of the stuff and then watched, before my very eyes, my was is doing? i still don't know for sure. i think it was playing itself, or masturbating. then my TV folded up like Origami into a crane and flew away. then the worlds slowly shifted into cell shaded like graphics (like the game XIII) wierdest shit i've ever done. good thing it only lasts a few minutes. lol.

anyone else tried it? what was your experience? good or bad?
Hot damn dude, now I'm curious, esp. if it's only for a few minutes (REALLY don't think I could handle any more). I've heard DMT is pretty wild too (on the topic of short duration)
not me personally ( i wouldn't touch it - i have had bad run ins with drugs in the past...erm..well basically it was a few years back i thought i was stuck in the matrix (the part where neo wakes up in the real world) during a bad was eh...well horrible i've kept myself pretty much clean since then)

it was like you know when neo wakes up and the machine fly's over and analyses him and then starts screwing out the tubes from his body. well it was that except in the film it lasted only like 30 seconds. for me the machine was removing them and adding new ones for about 12 hours. i was lying on the couch in my living room and next minute i would be fucked into the "real world of the matrix" for about 15 minutes. then i would suddenly be back in my living room and i was freaking out real bad. i had about a minute to stay in the living room in my own head and then i tripped back in and it was just constant for hours. and it hurt! it hurt bad! i swear to this day to myself something happened to me that day. it was just so real. but obviously nothing happened...right?

anywho! ya! some of my mates done it. my friend carol said that she thought there was a squid in her stomach so she puked it up and it started chasing her around the house. my other mate mick said he seen a rope coming from eternity and going to eternity and he said he had to pull it. he just kept pulling and pulling and thought if he didn't the world would end. another chap from college last year said that he took it in his bedroom and as he looked out side the window he thought he could see african planes with animals running around and then quickly it would change to like a space scene and then to an Arctic scene.

all of them said it was salvia but it lasted more then a few minutes. it was like a 30 minute trip for them.
metaltastic: if you like weed, or done shrooms, its worth doing once!! no pressure tho. i've had what i guess you could call a spiritual thing with it as well. im not sure what it was, its was like feeling 'god' or whoever's presence around, and you could see "life", if that makes any sense, lol.

Mick? wtf drug did that? lemme know, so i never do it! lol. not big into drugs anyways, i smoke nuggz, and have done shrooms a few times (weeee) and salvia. im too much of a puss to do anything else. i dont even drink, lol. but 30 minutes? must have been the 100x salvia. i have the 40x, and its plenty strong for me! although the maker really makes a difference, some extract the oils and put more of the oil extract back into the leaves, others use less oil, or none.
also, this one time, at band camp... well a BBQ at a friends house...

me, my friend jason, and my friend nate were hanging out, we were like hey we got some salvia lets do it!!
so we loaded up some bong hits. fuuuuuuck. first nate went, he TRIPPED BALLS. he thought he was on the edge of the sky jumping onto passing clouds. it was so funny. then jason did some and went after nate, "i'll save ya dude!" lol. nate jumped "off the sky" into "a cloud" (it was really a pile of grass) and then jason followed. by far the funniest thing i've ever witnessed! good thing i got it on video! hahaha!!! good times. also while nate was frying balls he was contorting his arms and shit, like he was tring to be upside down (he was on the edge of the sky!, dur!) craziness. then we all did it after that and rolled around on jason's deck laughing hysterically for probably 10 minutes at his dog. he looked like a giant puppet! it was funny as shit.
Hmm, well I'm gradually opening up to the idea of weed (on a strictly casual basis, not habitual, just like with booze), but I definitely think I'd want a sober buddy around for salvia, I don't think I'd handle it too well!
its good to have a good friend with ya the first time! I did. but i was just in awe of the colors, lol. its good to be in a familiar place too! after that i feel, like i know what to expect, and if you have good control over your own composure, you will be alright. probly not a good thing for those sloppy drunks! lol.
I've had some amazing trips with Salvia. The things I've seen on it are beyond description. Beauty that cannot be expressed with words. Just make sure you have someone who is sober keeping an eye on you and a quiet environment. TURN OFF YOUR PHONE!!! The one bad trip I had was due to a phone. I ate a shitload of ground up morning glory in peanut butter then smoked a bowl, popped Animals into the CD player and was having a great time until the phone rang. It was a tiger.........I woke up hours later hiding under a couch.
Hmm, well I'm gradually opening up to the idea of weed (on a strictly casual basis, not habitual, just like with booze), but I definitely think I'd want a sober buddy around for salvia, I don't think I'd handle it too well!

Having a sober babysitter is wise when experimenting with salvia. It can completely dissociate you from your enviroment. I've read stories of people tripping over their coffee table while walking around on another planet and coming to with a broken arm!

And this isn't meant to shy anyone away from salvia but those few minutes can feel like hours!
Man, I love people's drug stories! Fun drugs are cool, I don't see any kind of appeal of Cocaine etc, anything chemically enhanced or otherwise dangerous. I really wanna try shrooms one day, sounds like some good stories to be had!

I had one experience of Salvia when I was in Wales. We were stood by like 3 massive trees and I pounded a selfish lung of the stuff all to myself. A few minutes of standing there thinking it's all bullshit, I hadn't realised that the few trees we were near turned into some kinda massive forrest, I just kinda unconsciously accepted it. Then the ants came! But they were friendly ants, marching in formation and they were carrying all sorts of random crap like yellow plastic whistles, paper plates and party poppers.

My sober friends hadn't realised this had all kicked off and they turned around to find me mumbling 'just let me, just get myself up, into here, so I don't, crush, these partying party ants' whilst trying to pull my fat ass up into this massive tree which I thought had more branches than it did. For some reason climbing this fucking tree for 30 seconds like my life depended on it made me just wanna sit down and rest, and as I took my shoes off and turned my back on everything it had all gone. Apart from the real trees, of course.
The first time I smoked SD was just after work in a foreign town. I had finished and my boss was finishing up some paperwork so I took a walk across town to the local smoke shop with a buddy I brought along to help get the job done faster (cash work for the win).
So anyway, long story short... I buy some screens and the guy who owns the shop ended up packing a bong with salvia (I'm not sure of the extract potency) and then he proceeds to explain in detail the effects of it and what I should expect to feel or notice. Sure enough everything he explained was right, the onset of disorientation and confusion, etc etc...
This was the first time I was exposed to the music of Mr Bungle and being in a strange store in a strange town smoking strange things out of strangers' bongs was all too much for me at the time.
I remember feeling like my body was shrinking into the floor and the room around me was expanding and growing larger. I stood in the same spot the entire time because I had no idea what the hell was going to happen next. The peak came on extremely fast and during the decline of it all the shop owner gave me the change back for the screens I bought and I had no idea why this weird man was giving me money.
Thankfully my buddy reminded me I had bought screens and it was my change. "Pick it up and put it in your pocket" he said.
Then we walked back across town and caught a lift home from the boss.
It really was an interesting experience all together.
Hmm, well I'm gradually opening up to the idea of weed (on a strictly casual basis, not habitual, just like with booze), but I definitely think I'd want a sober buddy around for salvia, I don't think I'd handle it too well!

i'd probably shy away from salvia and shrooms and the like if you're still a n00b on the ganja front...
None of that shit sounds like any fun to me at all. I'll keep my wits thank you very much. :)

Yeah, I felt that way for awhile, and may change my mind after my first experience, but I've kinda come to think of it as like riding a roller-coaster, just a thrilling and totally sensory-overloading experience for a short duration (thus keep me the fuck away from acid). And I can't deny I'm curious as hell!
I've done acid about ten times or so but this Salvia stuff scares me. I've seen some vids of people on it. No thanks, do not want.

DAMN, that surprises me dude - from what I've heard, the after-effects of acid can be a whole lot worse! (like permanent psychological damage, PTSD, etc.)