Salvia Divinorum

MFJ said:
hahahahahaha you know I've tried, man!

its not for everyone, but its not as bad as erik makes it out to be. -_-. i cant help it a powerful disassociative just so happens to be in cough syrups everywhere for kids to get their grimy hands on. that doesnt change the fact that its a powerful psychoactive drug.
Erik said:
Haha, I haven't been anywhere close to DXM. I hear it's rather dangerous if you take too much without being ready for it though.

It is. It's so amazingly different from what you'd expect it to be. I like drugs that are trippy and make you feel GOOD, and I really didn't get either of those things from DXM. It makes me feel alone, detatched, and frightened. Maybe when I hit college I'll try it and like it, but I know that there's better.
Erik said:
Haha, I haven't been anywhere close to DXM. I hear it's rather dangerous if you take too much without being ready for it though.

the toxicity is around 3.2 grams. however at higher levels your heart palpatates and your blood pressure drops, it has more than one way of doing you in. its something thats not to be toyed with unless youre, i would say experienced, but ill say a druggie, and its also very addicting. at higher levels its more than just "fucked up" its a complete out of body experience. i cant go about describing a trip well except to say when youre not in a dark corner covering your eyes to reach the corners of space, youll be looking in a mirror telling yourself that youre right. your body is a shell and the person youre staring at isnt you. :tickled: its a fucked up drug though for those who cant handle their substances. also some people just arent meant for it. in all reality, its meant for no one and its unhealthy, very unhealthy if you dont have pure powder and you go the cough syrup route. i wouldnt advise it to anyone but a dumbass like myself or anyone looking for given experience.
of course not, however you can give warnings by an attempt to verbalize such, but it you can never succeed. i learnedwhat acid was about that way. i "took my friends word for it" thinking it was going to be cliche and a "harder" shrooms :lol: such as i found out acid is a life choice and anything but definitive.
Erik said:
I used to be opposed to taking most any kind of drug. I'm not anymore, but I don't trust myself to do any sort of illicit substances alone, but I am always alone, so...

erik, having tried only shrooms on purpose (and acid without knowing).... stick to beer. If you want to try something, go with weed, you'll pass out before you get yourself into any sort of trouble. If you really wanna go nuts, try oil, that shit sends me on a wonderful journey... usually to the nearest corner store... which sometimes is a 6 hour hike away.

edit: Weed can be very good for enhancing some of the more trippy forms of music, especially black metal and funeral doom.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
erik, having tried only shrooms on purpose (and acid without knowing).... stick to beer. If you want to try something, go with weed, you'll pass out before you get yourself into any sort of trouble. If you really wanna go nuts, try oil, that shit sends me on a wonderful journey... usually to the nearest corner store... which sometimes is a 6 hour hike away.

edit: Weed can be very good for enhancing some of the more trippy forms of music, especially black metal and funeral doom.

:lol: there ya go.
MFJ said:
Use extract
Use a torch lighter (vaporizes at a higher temperature)
Don't smoke out of a standard pipe or in a joint
Use a bubbler or bong
Biggest hits possible
Extremely powerful, don't ever under estimate it.
Use a sitter
Get ready to be out of your fucking mind, literally.

response bullets:

do extract-infused leaves count?
damn, we used a pipe, don't have a bong
got this part under control
taken care of
ready and waiting.

i guess we'll get a bong or something and try it again
trust me dude. I'm quite happy avoiding the more intense drugs. Beer is enough for most times, every once in a while weed is a nice change and even more rare (once? maybe twice? a year) the odd hoot of oil for the really fucked up trip.

edit: Especially considering how much I DID NOT enjoy shrooms or acid.
yeah, to each his own. one thing i never do and i hate other people for doing is pushing any sort of drug on another.
All of this talk about intense weed trips is true. I have some really potent herb and I'm pretty out of my mind now. It's still beyond words, for such a simple (yet entirely complex at the same time) substance.
Good man. I've been pushed enough to do various drugs by various people. But the only thing my friend ever pushed me to try was shrooms, but it wasn't a very hard push, he just wanted me to try them with him, once.

In the end I tried them twice, both times it was just... unpleasant.
Hey man, it's all good. Some people just aren't into certain things. I hate speed/coke drugs and DXM. My best friend totally dislikes weed and other drugs but is a total alcohol fan too. Whatever floats your floating device!