Sample of my song, tell me what you think so far.

what the FUCK am i listening to? holy shit man what kind of drugs are you on D5150? sounds rad but holy shit what was that? never heard guitar quite played like that...

i hear what Impy's saying about muddiness but i think it works well...the mix is great on my speakers...the one giveaway though is the snare...i think you could get a better sound out of it...fucken awesome otherwise, can't wait to hear vox
Genius Gone Insane said:
what the FUCK am i listening to? holy shit man what kind of drugs are you on D5150? sounds rad but holy shit what was that? never heard guitar quite played like that...

i hear what Impy's saying about muddiness but i think it works well...the mix is great on my speakers...the one giveaway though is the snare...i think you could get a better sound out of it...fucken awesome otherwise, can't wait to hear vox

Haha! I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult?? The mix is a tad muddy but, that was intended believe it or not (also gotta remember that is in mp3 format). Thanks for the compliments on my guitar playing too, It's a really fun and challenging song to play so far (still not done writing it). I wanted to see how it would sound before I went further with it, thats why I value your opinion. I don't however do drugs, but I was a tad sauced when I recorded it, thats why it's a little sloppy. Thanks!
Great work man! The whole thing sounds great! Could you be kind to elaborate on the techniques used on recording/mixing? Drums are natural and/or samples? a mix of both? How many guitar tracks and how were recorded? Congrats, great playing too.
I recorded the song using Audition. I basically just got the best sound going in as possible with the equipment I have. Guitar tones came from my PODxt (I don't care what people say, you can get a good sound out of it if you know how to use it right). There are a total of 4 guitar tracks panned at L100, L80, R100 and R80. The tones are unmodified except for the use of the Anteres Mic Modeler. Guitar left is using a Shure SM57 model and an SM58 for guitar right. Bass was recorded using a custom tone from the PODxt.
Drums were programmed using FruityLoops and custom samples. The kick sample is stolen off Pantera's Far Beyond Driven album. The Snaire is from an older Soilwork song.
The cymbals, toms, ect. are custom recorded from my buddies Sonar drumkit.
I Eq it very mildly in Audition before mixdown. I use some crafty FFT filters and other plugins to clean it up. Then I export it and master it in T-Racks adding compression, limiting and eq (cut the mid a little).
That's basically it... I just make the most of the low budget shit I have. The PC I use and the sound card and speakers I use sound great and enable me to hear what I'm doing clearly.
Thanks for the compliments, I'm glad somebody other than myself appreciates the effort.
Wow, that was awesome. I love the idea, and the performance was great as well. Could you by any chance be so kind as to share some Pod settings? :headbang:

Are you guys interested in hearing it when I'm finished? I think it's great that you guys enjoy it. Anybody want to lay some vocals down on it? I can but I am more into writing and recording the guitars. Interested people can email me.

Disconnekt, if you want my pod tone file, I could email it to you. You have to have a PODxt though, not a 2.0, or it won't work. At least I don't think it will. << if you're interested>>
Pretty tight guitar playing for being under the influence. I can't put three notes together if I've had a few or five. Drums seem to need a bit adjustment but you've got some cool "programming" going on there.
Distorted said:
Pretty tight guitar playing for being under the influence. I can't put three notes together if I've had a few or five. Drums seem to need a bit adjustment but you've got some cool "programming" going on there.

Sometimes I play better if I'm not thinking clearly, haha. A couple other people mentioned that the drums need work. What do you mean? "work" is pretty generalized. EQing? Volumes? Programing? No matter much time I spend on the drums, they're never good enough. I'll tell you why... THEY AREN'T REAL! haha. They sound generic no matter what. Hard to get them to sound like there's a human behind that kit. If anyone's got some tips on this subject, chime in. Even though nothing sounds better than a real drummer. Thats a fact. ;)
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Program some velocity into the mappings to randomise the hitting a little.
Exactly. And maybe slightly tweaking the volumes of some of the hits. It probably wouldn't hurt if the samples were from the same kit. For example Drumkit From Hell or NSkit.
Distorted said:
Exactly. And maybe slightly tweaking the volumes of some of the hits. It probably wouldn't hurt if the samples were from the same kit. For example Drumkit From Hell or NSkit.

Thanks for the advice! The sound quality of the drums totally depend on how much time you're willing to spend on them. Unfortunately for me, I'm lazy, so in turn I get an "OK" drum sound. Believe it or not the whole song is velocity programmed. I spent a couple hours adjusting velocities. Maybe I didn't tweak it enough. There are some options to "humanize" the whole loop but I think it sounds even worse as some hits are way too quiet and some are to loud. I need to look into a different program. FruityLoops sucks. But for now I think they sound pretty mean. Anyone ever try Reason? Any good?
As for the samples, I can't justify buying DFH because I havn't been able to try it. I wish they would make a trial download or somebody would kick down a few samples to hear/try. I have the NSkit but I think it sounds kinda weak for hard hitting metal.

I really appreciate all your guy's feedback. I've recieved about 75 emails from people asking about the song, how I did it, how long I've been playing, even a guy with a studio in Columbia who wants to master it. I didn't think anyone would like it that much. Thanks!
Then there's all those "cool song, GIMME YOUR POD TONE FILE" people. lol. :loco:

For the guy who wants my samples:
The entire file with all the samples is way to big for me to email. I would have to do them 1 or 2 at a time. That would take forever. A P2P transfer via IM or some other way would be better. :err: Email me and let me know what IM you use and the screen name, I'll hook you up.

Those who want the POD tone file, email me and I'll send it out.

You guys rock! Lets hear some other peoples stuff! POST IT! :headbang: