Sample rate changes VST sound


Jul 13, 2009
Auckland, NZ
I have been trying higher sample rates with amp sims and other VST plugins. I noticed that the sound changes completely, the low end seems to have more sub frequencies and the high end is less harsh. Anyone else experienced similar things? I was prepared to hear slight changes but was shocked to hear that it sounds completely different :guh:
Obviously. I always work at 96 khz and 24 bits on my Focusrite Saffire Pro 24.
If you guys are hearing THAT much difference (like in the video), it means that there is something wrong somewhere.
The first thing to check is the impulse response used, it the file is not getting resampled according to the new sampling rate, the sound will change drastically.
Same goes for the VSTs, if they don't handle sampling rate change "on the fly" correctly, all the filters are going to have a frequency shift, causing a completely different frequency response.

In my experience, between 44.1KHz and 96KHz, there is a sound difference, but is not night and day and of course, the frequency response must remain the same.
If you change the sample rate on the fly and hear a huge difference, try saving the project and reload it with the new sampling rate, sometimes it can be an initialization issue.
For example, using any good ampsim and using a good IR loader (I use Sir2) and using great IRs at 96 khz (like Kalthallen) the sound is far far cleaner, crispier, and closer to the real thing. I don't say I'm an almighty ear master. I only say that the difference is huge to my ears. Ever since I tried 96 khz, I always work at 96 khz. I know it eats your cpu, but I try to work with less tracks and fx.
Hey thanks for all the valuable input so far guys, I think it must of been the impulse that was playing up
I do notice that it sounds more real when the impulse and vst's are working like they should though (like Scottxx has said)
It's more enjoyable to track the instruments when they sound more realistic, so I'm going to stay with a higher sample rate
88,200 Hz is high enough and sounds nicer without eating too much CPU at the same time
Once again thanks, Hurdy