samples, length, artwork for TOC?

Yeah pizza burger is a bit over the top and ludicrous. I wonder how much of that thing actually got eaten.

I'd take a bite for shits and giggles but that's probably all my stomach could hold. I bet it tastes like the grease left in the pan after you finish cooking breakfast.
Truly. And I'm not so sure it tastes so good, either. Every single ingredient was processed shit.
The image is just one I came across on 4chan a while ago. When it does get made that's just going to be a blueprint. We're going to use much better ingredients, homemade pizzas, quality cheese, etc. (aka relying heavily on my friends in culinary school for this one)
So Warrell, is Andy Sneap still finishing up the album or is it just a matter of the record label delaying the release? I need to hear at least one song by this month ARHG!
we're all anxious and have no understanding of delayed gratification. (products of our capitalist environments)
yeh itd be much better if we all just waited in one really long line, those who could afford it would pay full price, those who couldnt would pay nothing, and everyone would get 1 song.
You all realize this is the next chinese democracy right?

Thats the new marketing plan. Tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it, then tell everyone its coming, then delay it,

Just like the DVD :)
Honestly though, Sneap needs to get off his ass and finish this fucker

Dude... Andy Sneap is one of the busiest metal producers in the industry. I'm guessing he still has a few things left to fix on the album. He hasn't really said much about it on his forum though.