Sampling a Reverb Unit?


May 22, 2010
Mesa, AZ
Not quite sure this is the correct sub-forum, so please feel free to move it if it's not...

I have access to a TC Electronics System 6000 for the next few weeks and I'd really like to do some samples of the reverbs on it, because they sound EPIC, but I'm not sure how to really go about doing this, as I've never done IRs.

Is it basically the same process as creating a cab IR by creating a sine sweep, sending it through the unit, recording the sound that comes out and then deconvolving it? Are there any extra steps needed?
I suppose it's the same principal. But I guess if there are stereo reverbs, you have to deconvolve both channels individually. Maybe someone here has a better knowhow about this, but it should be pretty much the same.
For reverbs, I would record an extra 5 seconds or so after the sweep. You need to let it decay. Also, I would do both left and right channels individually, and again as mono to stereo.
You're not only capturing the spectrum of the unit but the decay... I'd rather send a flat IR through the reverb and use the decay as an IR.