Thinking about making LSD Speaker too stupid though

Yes, talking to skaldir right now (he does the Nebula stuff as well), will let you know what happens.

The plan so far:

seperate cab-packs, so it's be a Mesa OS pack, a Marshall t75 pack etc, each pack will have 8-16 mic positions for 6L6 Poweramp, el34 Poweramp and KT88 poweramp.
so it'll be at least 5 seperate packs with something between 15 and 45 IRs each.....
In my opinion, it's best to have a sweet spot for every mic (or a couple mics combined) rather than a zillion rather useless positions. Nobody has the time to test 'em all, so...

But way more important is being able to provide 48k .syx impulses for Axe Fx II / Ultra users, rather than just wavs.
Lasse, it`s not such compromise, it comes from impulse response definition itself.
Better to check different approaches (including different options in Deconvolver, and it is very dependable on difference between sweep length and response length) and compare it to real mic.
I`m think that RedWirez have other sample rates resampled from single highest sample rate, 16 bit version seems to be truncation from 24 bit, just additional piece of shit, because most modern IR-loaders can accept 24 bit.
Clean SS power amp sounds like a good idea.
The Only relatively clean power amps I own are a peavy PA amp and my regular hifi amp, not sure if those are clean enough?

MatthiasT in the MB Board just mentioned some days ago that nearly every average hifi amp is linear enough to fire up passiv studio monitors also for a professional approach. So that should do it for your project i think.
SS power amp can sound rather middy because most of them does not account for cabinet impedance, that is the reason that RedWirez have included impedance curves for some speakers...
If you have to make impulses ... make a few but make them REALLY good sounding. Seems like a lot of people love the awesometime impulses and they're just a few. Never liked to have 60 options that sound mediocre.
Converting Wav's to Syx is as simple as running them through Axe-O-Matic. Is why most people have stopped with .syx IR's in their packages.
I'm standing for same thing. Use some of your favorite sweet spots and that will be more than awesome. Putting just to get more options - edge, edge with angle, etc, etc is ridiculous. If you just put those mics in places you would put for yourself THAN it will be ground shaking awesome.... and tits of course!
I'm really on the fence about this, I wouldn't want to have 80+ impulses to sift through, but at the same time there's not a mic or cab in that list that I wouldn't want to have the option of using.

One sweet spot per mic is enough I think. Selling them as individual cabs is a good idea, with some good sound samples on the site to let me hear the differences between them and decide which I'd like to buy.
I'm really on the fence about this, I wouldn't want to have 80+ impulses to sift through, but at the same time there's not a mic or cab in that list that I wouldn't want to have the option of using.

One sweet spot per mic is enough I think. Selling them as individual cabs is a good idea, with some good sound samples on the site to let me hear the differences between them and decide which I'd like to buy.

This with photos in a interactive website with html5 and css would be the shit :rock:
Are we talking about a damn impulse anymore? Common, anyone who ever tried to make some good ir´s knows it can be a fucking pain in the ass... Don´t want to be a dick, but it´s not that easy... A nebula program would be da shit!