San Diego Fair

yes! monday july second - complete with monster trucks and the moody blues ahhahahah. yay i love fairs!!! i wanna ride the zipper, and the swings, eat corndogs, feed the goats outta my hand, and get a glow necklace :)
BOOOOOOOO on a monday night. I sooooo would have gone :) But tooo hard when we both work till 530 at night and then drive on out there...Are ya gonna do the OC fair?????
yes! monday july second - complete with monster trucks and the moody blues ahhahahah. yay i love fairs!!! i wanna ride the zipper, and the swings, eat corndogs, feed the goats outta my hand, and get a glow necklace :)

I have this image of you running onstage late, goat in tow with 5 glow necklaces round your neck and hair everywhere from all the rides!!! :lol:
I have this image of you running onstage late, goat in tow with 5 glow necklaces round your neck and hair everywhere from all the rides!!! :lol:

:lol: yes that sound like the best day ever!!! perhaps i will take some video to share in a montage - hey aja, come and help feed the goats with me :heh:
Thanks for the show last night ! You girls are so fun to watch. I wanted to thank Sara for the food ticket (yummy corn dogs !)and for allmost knocking the crap out of that idiot that was talking trash at the show. That guy sure backed up when you came out from behind that table with your cruch in your hand. Anyway back to the music , you girls just seam to get better and better every time I see you.I have such a good time when I go to your shows. I'm really looking forward to Caines.I will be bringing some newbies.See you all there !
Thanks for the show last night ! You girls are so fun to watch. I wanted to thank Sara for the food ticket (yummy corn dogs !) and for allmost knocking the crap out of that idiot that was talking trash at the show. That guy sure backed up when you came out from behind that table with your cruch in your hand. Anyway back to the music , you girls just seam to get better and better every time I see you.I have such a good time when I go to your shows. I'm really looking forward to Caines.I will be bringing some newbies.See you all there !

Oh?? Do tell please? What was the set?
It was a long one at 2 full hours. Sara did get to feed her goats and they didn't eat Aja's hair. :lol:

That must have been the guy Chris was running off before he pounded him. I was way in the back with some friends of mine and missed whatever went down.

That must have been the guy Chris was running off before he pounded him. I was way in the back with some friends of mine and missed whatever went down.


I was a little closer.
Basically, while Sara was sitting behind the merc table, a guy (same one you're refering to or so I imagine) without asking any permission at all grabbed Sara's cup of beer and starting drinking from it. To which she said something like "Hey that's my beer, why the hell are you drinking it?" He made attempts to justify it, which soon led to Sara's telling him to get the fuck out, and when he didn't comply with her "request" Sara went to do it herself crutches and all.
Way to go Sara!!!!!
Oh?? Do tell please? What was the set?

It was a longer set than usual for which I was thoroughly grateful!
I'm just going on memory here, (and I may have these slightly out of order) but I think the set was as follows:
Different World
Die With Your Boots On
Wasted Years
Number of the Beast
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Alexander the Great
Aces High
Sea of Madness
Fear of the Dark
Phantom of the Opera
Hallowed be Thy Name
The Evil That Men Do
Run to the Hills
I was a little closer.
Basically, while Sara was sitting behind the merc table, a guy (same one you're refering to or so I imagine) without asking any permission at all grabbed Sara's cup of beer and starting drinking from it. To which she said something like "Hey that's my beer, why the hell are you drinking it?" He made attempts to justify it, which soon led to Sara's telling him to get the fuck out, and when he didn't comply with her "request" Sara went to do it herself crutches and all.
Way to go Sara!!!!!

Hahaha, nice one Sara!! What a weirdo!! o_O

It was a longer set than usual for which I was thoroughly grateful!
I'm just going on memory here, (and I may have these slightly out of order) but I think the set was as follows:
Different World
Die With Your Boots On
Wasted Years
Number of the Beast
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Alexander the Great
Aces High
Sea of Madness
Fear of the Dark
Phantom of the Opera
Hallowed be Thy Name
The Evil That Men Do
Run to the Hills

Great set there - especially with Murders in there. I LOVE THAT SONG!! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
I can't wait for the Caines show. Anyone down there in SD know when they usually sell the tickets? My friend went there sunday and was told they are not selling them yet? Are we to wait till we get down there?? That would suck if we got there and couldn't get in..
They don't sell ahead of time. I think they start selling around 8:30 to 9:00.
