San Diego Fair

Okie dokie.. Thanks Jim :) I guess we will have to find a place for dinner so that we can get there early enough to get our tickets :)
I was a little closer.
Basically, while Sara was sitting behind the merc table, a guy (same one you're refering to or so I imagine) without asking any permission at all grabbed Sara's cup of beer and starting drinking from it. To which she said something like "Hey that's my beer, why the hell are you drinking it?" He made attempts to justify it, which soon led to Sara's telling him to get the fuck out, and when he didn't comply with her "request" Sara went to do it herself crutches and all.
Way to go Sara!!!!!

yeah i guess i was pretty thirsty huh :kickass: i came over to get chris cuz he kept moving just beyond crutch distance. his friend was really nice and apologized for the drunkard - guess my beer wasn't the only one he'd gotten into that day. my friend told me during the show he wanted a drag offa her cig too - nice of him to ask tho huh - sheesh!!!
WTF?? :u-huh: Sara, I think people just want to be as amazing as you are and think that they can catch a little of that Marsh magic from your beers!! Well, we all know the magic doesn't come from the bottle, but I don't know why else they would do that! I know this isn't the first time this has happened either! Hands off, people! :kickass:
Did y'all see the little girl over on Sara's side, maybe 5, singing along to NOTB on somebody's shoulders?

I tried to get a picture but too many arms were in the way.

That little girl was great! She was up front originally and so tiny she was about a foot below the stage level. I saw her little face peering up at me just before we started. I was glad to see her people moved her back cuz I always worry about the smaller people getting smushed if the crowd starts getting too crazy. Sara and I got a big kick out of the little old lady who moved into her place - she was soooo into it! :kickass:

It was great to do an all ages thang FINALLY in SD! The stage mgr told Mark that our crowd was hands down the most enthusiastic he had ever seen there! :rock: