Sanctuary reforming?

Rhapsody and Kamelot don't really sound alike but I do see his point...there aren't all that many bands out there right now who, when listening to a song by them that you don't know, you can tell who it is within the first 15 seconds just by tone and style. Lots of generic stuff and cloning going on these days, but that's not specific to just metal.

i agree, which is why i said about it happening in commercial music as well. ;)
Dude, shouldn't you be worried about promoting your label and store on a forum (such as this one) instead of arguing and trying to sound like you're so much better than anyone else? I mean, plenty of times you have made snotty comments about the people in this forum and such... I can't help but wonder...

Dude one has nothing to do with the other. The forum thing hear is fun if anyone takes it personally then that is their issue and not mine. And I'm not to worry about the idea that it might hurt my sells, I deal mostly old and 80s metal so I really don't see much of my audience hear in thios forum anyway.
Honestly I think both Tribunal (I'll speak for him) and myself would get along with several of the people in here that we debate with and hack on.
As for my business it does just fine, it is a big world outside this forum and a lot of metal fans in it. I'm not worried, but thanks for your concern.
Aren't they the same goddamn thing? Based on the wild descriptions of nu-metal being thrown around this thread, I thought they were. And I apologize, I forgot, SCREAM, not sing. There's a BIG difference. I've never been able to decide though, who has more of a voice on your records? You or the movie dialog playing every 15 seconds. You talk about these bands being completely uninspired or a rehashing of the 80s, I'm pretty sure this is a prime example of the first. Now, before we get into a pissing match over this, I'm not trying to be mean or poke fun, that's not my place or intent. I'm simply trying to point this out based on everything else you have said in this thread, where it somehow shouldn't apply to you for some reason.

i don't claim my band to be original in the slightest except in that i am the best when using movies clips with audio. some bands use them and half ass it, but if you actually listened to an entire album you would see i do it conceptually and not just randomly, but to average listener like yourself i can see how you take it. i make it an art form for my band's music and i take it very seriously and our fans love it too, so i won't stop using them.

plus that video is a homage to Pantera "5 minutes alone" etc etc.

we have fun making music and have some fans. so i won't be offended if you guys bash my band. i wouldn't have seen the country touring the last 4 years and released 5 albums if it weren't for the band and it's fan. i am never ashamed of what i have created. so have at it. ;)

nu-metal and hardcore (metalcore, metallic hardcore, etc) are not the same thing. just fyi.
Dude, shouldn't you be worried about promoting your label and store on a forum (such as this one) instead of arguing and trying to sound like you're so much better than anyone else? I mean, plenty of times you have made snotty comments about the people in this forum and such... I can't help but wonder...

oh and yes I am "snotty" too, some say arrogance I like to think of it as honesty.
Dude one has nothing to do with the other. The forum thing hear is fun if anyone takes it personally then that is their issue and not mine. And I'm not to worry about the idea that it might hurt my sells, I deal mostly old and 80s metal so I really don't see much of my audience hear in thios forum anyway.
Honestly I think both Tribunal (I'll speak for him) and myself would get along with several of the people in here that we debate with and hack on.
As for my business it does just fine, it is a big world outside this forum and a lot of metal fans in it. I'm not worried, but thanks for your concern.

Well, if you say so and aren't worried about it, then good for you. I just personally would prefer not to be down-talked to by someone who may be getting my business. I am pretty damn sure most people around here are the same way, but I will not speak for other people (which has clearly been the problem a few times in this thread... you know, when someone voices their opinion as sole fact, speaking for everyone else).

I have to admire the fact that you're ballsy though. I mean, you have to be when you make certain negative and/or sarcastic generalizations about a group and then tries to make some extra money for a weekend on that same group.
nu-metal and hardcore (metalcore, metallic hardcore, etc) are not the same thing. just fyi.

Did I say they were? When I think of metalcore, I think of Atreyu, As I Lay Dying, etc... When I think of hardcore, I think of Agnostic Front, Black Flag, Pro-Pain, etc... CLEARLY not the same thing. However, when I think of nu-metal, I also think of Atreyu, As I Lay Dying, Slipknot, Korn, Mushroomhead, etc. Your point is a moot one and not attacking anything that I was trying to portray at all. As for the movie dialog overdubbing into your music, you did it best? I somehow doubt that. Off of the top of my head, I think Children of Bodom did it much better. Overkill did it from time to time too and did it better. I can keep going on with this list too.
Did I say they were? When I think of metalcore, I think of Atreyu, As I Lay Dying, etc... When I think of hardcore, I think of Agnostic Front, Black Flag, Pro-Pain, etc... CLEARLY not the same thing. However, when I think of nu-metal, I also think of Atreyu, As I Lay Dying, Slipknot, Korn, Mushroomhead, etc. Your point is a moot one and not attacking anything that I was trying to portray at all. As for the movie dialog overdubbing into your music, you did it best? I somehow doubt that. Off of the top of my head, I think Children of Bodom did it much better. Overkill did it from time to time too and did it better. I can keep going on with this list too.

FYI metalcore is much more than that, a lot of it is actually good and doesn't sound like half-assed AtG with breakdowns (think Shai Hulud, Deadguy, and Starkweather), there's plenty of hardcore that sounds nothing like Black Flag, and Atreyu and AILD aren't all.

I will say that Graf Orlock does the movie thing better but back when I used to listen to Killwhitneydead a while ago I enjoyed their use, and it's better than Bodom's at least.
just to clarify are you saying more genres were started in the 90's? if so, i am curious.

Not really. I mean there were some but it was either early or late 90s I guess. My point is more in terms of present. I think there are a whole lot more genres of metal out there today than there were in the 80s was my main point.
Come now... let's keep the conversation civil. No need for insults and f-bombs. As I requested, please explain what they did for Metal.

Oh Zod the "f bomb" was not out of frustration or to offend. Myself I'm still in good humor about all of this, if others get up tight then they do.
I would find it interesting to have these conversations in person than a forum where no matter what is said it will always be read the wrong way.
Well, if you say so and aren't worried about it, then good for you. I just personally would prefer not to be down-talked to by someone who may be getting my business. I am pretty damn sure most people around here are the same way, but I will not speak for other people (which has clearly been the problem a few times in this thread... you know, when someone voices their opinion as sole fact, speaking for everyone else).

I have to admire the fact that you're ballsy though. I mean, you have to be when you make certain negative and/or sarcastic generalizations about a group and then tries to make some extra money for a weekend on that same group.

wait what was that group again? Obviously I missed something.
First off not that whole fest is in this forum, if you have not noticed the festival is more than us few goobers in a stupid forum arguing about heavy metal. Do you take it that seriously? No need to answer that. This is merely fun so I think, it would get even better if I actually voiced real options. Hell I don't believe my actual options have come up yet.
Ballsy, generalize yeah I'm guilty of all of that, it is easy and fun, usually dead on. Again I have yet to really have begun to do it
Matter of fact I believe you were generalizing "old school" metalheads and hinting to assumptions that maybe we only listened to 80s metal. That is what I gathered, if that was not the case well then we can certainly see from that how these posts can be misread.
As stupid as debating and having a social life in a forum is so is taking it seriously. Again I have lots of fun with this if it makes you lose sleep then my apologizes. If it makes you not want to give me your money then that is fine too. But I can keep what I do seperated obviously you can't.
my point exactly, so why keep giving new bands my attention? and instead enjoy the classic metal i grew up on and fell in love with back then. it will be same with you younger guys, but you will drift back to the Blind Guardian, Angra and Iced Earth records. and i am talking the EARLY stuff. hahaha.

This is the last thing I'm commenting on in terms of this subject. Just because a band isn't reinventing the wheel, doesn't mean it isn't enjoyable and done well, so I'm not the type to discredit new stuff and just listen to the old. I would also argue with 2 out of 3 of those bands do sound different. Iced Earth in my opinion was one of the first to combine power metal and thrash and no one really does sound like them. Just like no one sounds like Blind Guardian really.

Now, to turn the conversation FINALLY back to Nevermore and Sanctuary. I am intrigued by this development, would love to see a reunited Sanctuary; however, I am mixed on doing a new album as many have pointed out that Warrel's vocals may not hold up and would just sound like an alternate Nevermore. I am curious to see though if it works nonetheless.