Record Label(s)/Vocalist
Let's see what we learned from the old, wise folk in the last page...
- Nevermore is nu-metal.
- If you play with a 7-string guitar, you're definitely a nu-metal band.
- Nevermore and most modern metal bands have no heart and are purely based on fake performances.
- The best death metal albums came out in the 80s. Actually, the best metal albums came out in the 80s, period. Therefore it feels good to be stuck in the 80s in 2010.
- Metallica and Queensryche still have musical integrity.
- If you don't belong to the 80s metal scene or don't appreciate the 80s metal bands, you're less of a metalhead than those who are.
- Music taste is not subjective. It's pretty clear: Your taste is right if you like old school metal.
If this is what becoming older does to your mind, then I need a cyanide pill now before I turn 30.
you make fun of getting old, but mark my words right here right now. you will close your ranks when it comes to bands you love and you will go back to the bands that you made your strongest connections to when you were young.
i made fun of my dad when i was a kid and now i get it.
plus most new metal sucks and is 100% completely uninspired or rehashed from the 80's.

i guess i don't see how stale, stagnant, repetitively similar production to every band is a good thing. the bands that survive now are the ones who are able to set themselves off the from the packs in some fashion.
but ask yourselves this. if you put on a brand new (unheard) Sonata Arctica, Rhapsody, Kamelot or any other power metal band record and removed the vocals could you tell a difference? and this goes for death metal, etc etc. my point is because of digital production everything sounds the same and ONLY the vocalist sets them apart. where back in the day bands as a whole set themselves apart via songwriting, production, etc. sure there were obvious clones that came along but bands were different back then, but production played a big part to bands' sounds and with everything being digital and bands using the same re-amping and pro-tool plug-ins it becomes all the same sound eventually.
bottom line is we joke about commercial music on here all sounding the same, but we refuse to admit it's happening to all the genres we like in here.
old man - over and out.