Sansamp direct or svt4????

Mat Laperle

Dec 30, 2006
i'll be soon recording the bass for my album and was wondering what should i use to get a GOOD distorted heavy bass tone, ala Cult of luna - the beyond, or the Agony scene - the darkest red...

Should i use my sansamp direct into my daw or through a sanson tube-preamp first?
My other option would be to record the bass flat with my DI and reamp it through my svt4 / 8x10ampeg cab and sansamp, with my sm57...

Wich one is the better choice..

thank you!
The guy from Cult Of Luna used a old Sunn)) amp through an Ampeg 8X10 with a blues something distortion/fuzz.
And check there site, it has some photo's of there recordings! including bass gear.

And Btw, a good Tube screamer infront of your Sans amp should be able to get you there too!
Recording that direct with your svt4+cab should get you an awesome warm basstone!
anyone wanna share some sans amp settings?? I just got one and im yet to use but im recording a band this sunday and would like to get some good starting points!
id say sansamp.
not had good experiences recording svts
other than classics that is.
they don't seem to sit too well in the mix
We had great success using a blend of the direct (w/o sansamp) signal and a SVT3 Pro/Peavey 810TVX signal recorded with an i5.

I don't own the sansamp yet, but will be getting the 3-channel version very shortly (probably this weekend) and using it for our new projects.
my settings on this song

level 6
blend 10
treble 6
bass 6
drive 5
presense 10

that was combined with the triple xxx into an ampeg 4x10 micd with a 4033

watch the phase if combining signals

That shit sounds sick dude thanks for the settings i think it will be a good starting point. Do you compress the sansamp signal pretty hard? I think I'm gonna just be recording sansamp signal also and not blending real amp but i do have a peavey ultra plus which is supposed to be like the xxx and i got a peavey 4x10 bass cab... When you use a condenser were do you put like a few feet back strait at cone of speaker? I know bass takes a few feet to develop but Ive never miced bass yet..
I compress the shit out of it ITB. I mic it pointing at the edge of the dustcap about a foot back tops.

Don't buy too much into the "bass waves need to develop" thing, while technically it's true how many guys are micing svt cabs 27 feet back? nobody. Put the mic where it sounds good and record it. It's that simple Homie.
I usually do 2 x Sansamp Bass Driver tracks - A straight DI and a second reamped track of an overdriven amp tone with the blend knob on 100%. I then roll over all everything under 200K on the amp track and blend it with the DI.

I then sometimes do another reamp of the bass track through my Sansamp Classic on same crazy distorted signal and roll off everything under 400-500K and blend this as well. Then like EvX, I compress the shit out of it......
Today I'll tracking the bass guitar, I'll use the dirty sans samp out direct to the pc sound card and the clean output of the sans amp in the bass amp micked with a sm a bad idea???
Hey, has anyone used the MXR Bass D.I.+? I'm trying to decide whether to get one of these (quite a bit less expensive, plus more EQ options) or the good ol' standard Bass Driver.