Rupturemetal: well, It is just an idea, I need to buy di-box to realise it. I think it must works!
Guitar signal to di-box, and then from di-box "thru" output to PSA1, but just for monitoring, and from normal output to preamp and to AD converter. Then you can align that dry signal, correct it and make it tight, and then you can send this dry tracks to Sansamp via normal line level output of soundcard to sansamp´s line level input and distort them. You can do this during mix too, and so you can adjust Sansamp´s setting to fit the song perfectly.
Well, I just tried it (in EnergyXT2) with bypassed MT-2 pedal instead of DI-box, I did quad-track record. I recorded dry tracks, monitored thru sansamp (and impulse after it, all in realtime). Then I aligned them in DAW, then send it to Sansamp and impulse one by one and then pan them. Works pretty good! (but the result sounds like shit but it is due to my shitty playing) I think nothing special, but I´m happy to see my method working