Sansamp PSA1


Feb 11, 2007
Frisco, CA
Has anyone used this here for modern rock guitar sounds? My guess is plug ins are beating these older devices for tones but I did just read that Rammstein used it on one of their just wanted to see if any of you ahve played with this because I am about to buy a Sansamp RBI but thought maybe I could have the guitar and bass in the psa1 unit.
I could be wrong (because I am not too up to date with all these different kinds of gear and stuff) but I think Lasse uses it for a lot of his bass tones, and his stuff sounds great.
Should be good for rock, also leads.
For modern metal I don`t like it much. It can do hi-gain but not very tight.
It`s also good for live, but I found it pretty hard to get a good tone in recording. It was always kind of fizzy,cold and harsh.
it's got a very unique tone for guitar....
plugins nowadays sound more like a real amp, but the PSA has this certain sound (Tägtgren) for guitars which can be interesting sometimes....that said I'll still always be using real gutarheads for a release....
BUT it's the most awesome thing ever for great bass tones, fucking love it for bass!
It's also cool for drums, esp. snare and vox
I've bought it 2 years ago also to have that tagtgren sound. It's not supposed to be another normal preamp, it has its unique sound. Listen to every hypocrisy or pain album, and you'll got it. When you put quadtracked powerful powerchords, it does "Bbrbrrrrraaaaaaouuuummmmm".

Lasse, I just discovered you also have the sansamp. Did you manage to record some good tone with it ? I struggle to, do you get its DI or do you cab it and then mike it ?

Using it for drums or vox is something I would have never imagined !