Sansamp RBI reamping

Jun 15, 2014
Hey guys. So I FINALLY got myself a DI box after putting it off for so long. I really got wrapped up in finishing college and raising my daughter, so it took me a while. Anyways, the band I'm in is recording with Will Beasley who is an assistant for the likes of Paul Leavitt and the Brian McTernan. What we did for bass was DI it all, do some pod farm/waves plugin magic on the DI then reamp the dry signal through an Ampeg V4. Then he blended the two together, Will digs the high end from the manipulated DI and the low end from the V4 (I mean, I think anyone would haha). So what I'm doing right NOW is using a DI box to record the dry signal and Sansamp RBI. I used to basically just go straight into the RBI and let her rip. What I'm wondering is if I could reamp my bass through my RBI somehow using the DI box as a reamp box. What do you guys think? Is this a possibilty?
If you use it in reverse it would work but the quality of the reamp would be really bad according to this:

" Think about what a passive DI is and does, and think about what you need a reamp box to do:

A DI presents a hi-z load to an instrument pickup, so it doesn't strangle the sound by pulling excessive current. It matches this to the low-z input of a microphone preamp. It does this with a transformer that has more turns on the primary compared to less turns on the secondary.

So the DI does two things - it matches the impedance, and it lowers/attenuates the strong instrument signal down to a weak microphone level.

With a reamp box, what you are trying to do is to take a very strong line level output, and drop it down to a lower instrument level. Impedance can be hi-z to hi-z.

So a DI box lowers the signal when used the normal way, therefor it boosts the signal when used backwards. This is exactly the opposite of what you need in a reamp. Instead of the signal getting lowered, it gets boosted.

This forces you to lower your DAW fader, or set the output of your D/A converter lower - which causes the poor signal to noise performance.

A properly designed reamp box is a much better bet than a reversed DI."
Ahhhh alright awesome. I'm definitely gonna have to look into a proper reamp box. Would reamping still theoretically work using outboard gear such as the RBI?
Doesn't the Sans RBI have 2 outputs, one through the Sans, and one unaffected? Could just take your DI from there?
Yeah yeah! I figure I'm gonna give it a shot. I think I've finally figured it out! I'm tryna get real gnarly with this bass tone haha. Thanks guys.