Ryan VH

Go Forth And Die!
Jul 8, 2006
Los Angeles, California,2933,318006,00.html

BREMERTON, Wash. — Art Conrad has an issue with the commercialism of Christmas, and his protest has gone way beyond just shunning the malls or turning off his television.

The Bremerton resident nailed Santa Claus to a 15-foot crucifix in front of his house.

"Santa has been perverted from who he started out to be," Conrad said. "Now he's the person being used by corporations to get us to buy more stuff."

A photo of the crucified Santa adorns his Christmas cards, with the message "Santa died for your MasterCard."

The display is also Conrad's way of poking fun at political correctness. He believes people don't express their feelings because they're afraid of what other people might think.

His neighbors found the will to express their feelings this past week. Some were offended but many were just curious.

Jake Tally walked by on Friday and chuckled, but didn't pretend to understand the message.

"I don't really know what to think. I know it's about God but Santa has nothing to do with it," he told the Kitsap Sun newspaper.
I love this. It's SO true ... "Santa Died for Your MasterCard"

My love for Christmas took more of a plunge while watching a commercial for [I won't say] ...
At a Christmas party, a woman asked a little girl "Do you believe in Santa?"
Her response was "I believe in cashmere"
I wanted to get up and punch my television.

Yes I said "Christmas Party" instead of "Holiday Party" ... so freakin' sue me.
Oh shit, that's fucked up!!!! I was replying to James' response, but it's been deleted! Now it looks like I was talking about Ryan! Sorry dude, that little arrow was aimed at James' nastiness, not you! I can't control the volume of my voice! Or fingers!