Sara in Mistress

HobbesDawg said:
I have the Maidens gig from Salt Lake...unfortunatly the lightboard guy was an idiot and its fairly dark most of the show, but if you'd like a copy on dvd drop me a line...


I want one! I keep telling people about the Maidens, but I have no proof that they are as kick ass as I say they are.....oh yeah, WHEN THE F**K ARE THEY GOING TO PLAY IN PHOENIX AGAIN???
I've been majorly preoccupied with helping promote a benefit gig, so I haven't been able to work on most of my Mistress photos from the two Utah shows yet. I did work on four of them though...

The lighting was rather dark in Sara's area of the stage, so I missed out on some excellent photo opportunities... I'll post more when I get a chance to work them.