SARPEDON: Anomic Nation


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
Sarpedon Announces "Anomic Nation" Album Release

Press release:

"A long-time project of guitarist Torgeir P. Krokfjord, the band has been working together for several years – and whilst all members have been pursuing other projects and careers throughout, the Sarpedon project has now finally come to fruition.

"Although relying heavily upon influences such as Savatage, Nevermore, Symphony X, Emperor, and Queen, Sarpedon intends not only to take these impulses one step further, but also to combine them into a whole new beast altogether – and in the process, declaring war on Prog Metal as we know it today. Trying not to sound too much like a bearded freelance nothing describing overpriced coffee, Sarpedon’s music is an uncompromising blend of the immediate and the sophisticated, with a slight topping of Broadway to go with it.

"Torgeir is the musical catalyst of the band, his guitar playing combining the finest of melodic Scandinavian shredding, and Southern chugging. His brother Eirik P. Krokfjord (all vocals) once started singing with Sarpedon in mind – and now, more than ten years and two singing degrees from the Norwegian Academy of Music later, he is ready to race out of the blocks of a promising career at the front of one of Norway’s most exciting Metal exports. Drummer Carl Engstrøm has extensive experience from the Extreme/Black Metal scene (currently also playing and touring with Troll, Endezzma, Astaroth, and Attentat), and contributes virtuosity at the back, with both Andreas Wærholm and Eirik producing haunting sound landscapes at the keys.

"After signing with Inverse Records, Sarpedon is ready to become more than just a distant rumbling. Imagine Dimebag Darrell reborn, falling from the sky onto a moving tank wearing green war paint underneath an opera phantom’s mask. This is a ride you’ll want to be on."

The debut album “Anomic Nation” is due for release on December 5th...

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There are a couple of spots there that were decent, but overall it sounds like a disjointed mess with none of the components meant to work together. The vocals are out of place with the guitar, the drums are extremely deathy for this song, the verses are of an odd meter and the production muddies the entire composition. Plus, I'm seriously disappointed after reading the press release. "declaring war on prog metal as we know it" and that final Dimebag reference? I know English isn't their first language, but whatever your tongue you should have an ounce of common sense before you write and know your place in the world. The rest of the album may be awesome, they may be terrific people and very talented, but to lead off with this tune combined with a ultra-hype press release doesn't bode well.
Ok, so not everything I post is amazing :eek: ....but if it fits the mold, then maybe somebody somewhere might think it's cool.

I usually try not to copy the press releases verbatim if they're really off the wall....but sometimes the "off the wall"-ness of them makes for good discussion fodder, as we see here. :heh:
Hey, I've discovered a few cool bands form your and firebreath's posts, so keep 'em coming. THis one just makes me laugh on several levels. Does a band who will only sell 35 CD's really need a press release? This should have been done on a flyer at the bowling alley.

Hey, here's a labelmate band called Arkadia. I like their PR as well.

Finnish melodic metal band Arkadia will release their debut album “Unrelenting” worldwide on November 7th, 2014 via Inverse Records. The album, which was recorded during winter 2014 and produced by Samu Oittinen at Fantom Studio, Ylöjärvi, Finland, is a manifestation of Arkadia’s relentless attitude since its foundation in 2003 and the journey to ever-larger stages.

Arkadia’s music takes the listener from hybris to anxiety, but also rays of light can be found within the dark accents. Compositions are much larger than the Northern villages the band members originate from and lyrics deal with both personal and universal topics convincingly directly. The band plays vigorously together in tone, creating a peculiarly grooving musical world that even manages to touch at times.

Irony is the single greatest source of comedy in the universe. Their album is named unrelenting for their attitude since they formed in 2003. Only took 11 years to get the debut out, so my definition of unrelenting is a bit different.