Saskatoon show July 10

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New Metal Member
Jul 11, 2006
So i got tickets well in advance for this show, thinking "alright, i get to see Bodom!", looking forward to it for a long time, we get in line, maybe 10 feet from the door when theres a sign on the door that says...

Thine Eye
(Children of Bodom not on Bill)


Lamb of God...

so wtf, why didn't they show up, that really pisses me off, i pay to see one of my favorite bands and they don't show up? I think thats bullshit, and the thing is not one word of notice until we got to the door. So i just wasted money for a ticket to see bands i don't even like. It really pisses me off how a band can do that to their fans, tonight i really lost a lot of respect for them. We travelled 2 hours to see Children of Bodom, not Thine Eyes Bleed! I'm just gonna say im really disappointed and i don't get why you assholes would do that.
I'm sure they had a reason. It's not like they just couldn't be bothered, I'm sure you'll find some info on their site soon enough.
So far I didn't get any info on that but I guess there will be an official statement soon. Anyway, do you really think the band didn't show up to piss off and disappoint their fans?

I heard that the band had lots of problems at the border and that's why they couldn't make it. I keep you updated.
man, maybe your the asshole, i bet who ever had to drive up there stuck with a dick cheese like you for two hours there and back is way more upset. if i were you id just stop being such a whiny fuckin douche. man, you know what? i bet you smell like shit too, for fuck sakes man, shit. im talking reall smelly poo here hombre. man, go eat something, or something, maybe that will make you feel better, fatty.
brain_removal_device said:
man, maybe your the asshole, i bet who ever had to drive up there stuck with a dick cheese like you for two hours there and back is way more upset. if i were you id just stop being such a whiny fuckin douche. man, you know what? i bet you smell like shit too, for fuck sakes man, shit. im talking reall smelly poo here hombre. man, go eat something, or something, maybe that will make you feel better, fatty.

WHO the fuck are you? one post and a fucking retard yet...
sure they had a reason but dont have a go at other ppl w/o reason. its understandable hes pissed. fuck off
Sucks man, bet it was a border issue, even thine eyes bleed had problems getting into canada and they're fuckin canadians.
I was at this concert too, and was also quite dissapointed in the no show.

What I dont understand is how there could have been a border issue stopping them from playing Saskatoon, when they played Winnipeg the night before, both cities are in Canada...its not like there is a border guard between Manitoba and Saskatchewan. I can't see how that works.

And around here Bodom can't be seen very very often, unless you are willing to go to the other end of the country, which is alot of time and money most people don't have. If i am not mistanken this would have been their first time playing in Saskatchewan, and a much anticipated performance at that.
It just sucks that July 10th was actually a day off and Rattlehead52, brain_removal_device and Steve_88 are the same person posting from the same PC...

Feel free to flame this loser.
I bought my tickets to see Bodom too... I was so disappointed that they weren't going to show I went home... but not before I talked to Mr.D (shows promoter) about getting some sort of refund. He totally gave me the cold shoulder... no sympathy no nothing. Mr. D... and The Roxy on Broadway can go fuck themselves...

So disappointed... so very very very fucking disappointed.
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