
What I've heard about satanism is that it's more of a lifestyle attitude than a religion. I don't really believe in rituals and shit, like mass and prayer.
I thought it was about doing whatever you like, as long as it hurts no-one, and that you should try to enjoy life. Pretty much what I'm doing, although I do not consider myself a satanist in the slightest.
And Enemy242, what are you saying about growing out of things and whining about his age; I mean, how old are you? 13?
I think he can best judge for himself whether he's sincere or just in a phase where he thinks it's cool; so far i respect his religion, and everyone else's. Even if you're a Jehova's witness. Just don't try to sell me your religion.
Satanism has nothing to do with the bad guy in the bible. Satan reperesents your ego, your lust and your desires. The reason why it's called satanism is because it's about obeying what you self think is right for your own being, not what some cuntfart wrote in a book 2000 years ago what NOT to do. Because christianity is basically just about not allowing oneself to do what one truly wants, they fetched the opposite of the symbol of good christian behaviour, Satan, and named their movement after him.
I don't claim to be a satanist but I sympathize with many of the views decribed in their bible. Just because they make a lot more sense than jesus & pals' do.

Usually "satanist" bands like Dimmu Borgir don't actually believe in the devil but use him as an extreme to badmouth christianity. So now you know that!

Hail Satan!
predator666 said:
ill probably get girlled for this, i am a satanist, and i just wondering if anyone else follows the satanic bible?

You are just as stupid as anyone who follows the christian bible.
^:lol: :loco: Big Bird knows all! :lol: :grin: Khorne's cool too though . . . . actually they're all cool . . . except fot Slaanesh . . . *shivers* Ewwwww! :grin:
( Btw, I really like your sig! Seriously! :grin: )
If you’re interested in Satanism Id suggest you start to look into the many different beliefs, sects and versions of it.

LaVey'n Satanism is where everyone starts as it's the easiest to accept. It's basically Atheism but incorporating the idea of you being your own God, indulging to excess etc. But because it has little to no spiritual within it I see it more as a philosophy than a religion.

I’m finding Luciferianism to be quite interesting lately ( As it offers a more spiritual edge to the belief, sing "Lucifer" as a deity and separate to "Satan" even though they are very similar. They strive to become one with Satan, as he is the true light of the world.

The other one I’ve been looking into is the M.L.O which everyone knows from Dissection. It's a very elitist path, and they are completely spiritual, resenting LaVeyen Satanism because it is too materialistic.
They believe we are born of two types, either Clay-born or Fire-born. The Clay-born being the normal human beings and the Fire-born being the Elite. Who don't belong here and must break free of the confines of this world. Which is where the anti-cosmic and Misanthropy comes in.

I don't completely align myself with either one of them. But I do take influence from them all and continue to try to add to my own person belief.
I think this is a very good quote.....

Quote: Shagrath - Vocals for Dimmu Borgir

Words to the fans: Darkness has its attractions which everyone can feel and only hypocrites deny, it's time to remove the Blindfold of Hypocrisy. Stay true to yourself, Hail Satan!
panzerKunt said:
Satanism has nothing to do with the bad guy in the bible. Satan reperesents your ego, your lust and your desires. The reason why it's called satanism is because it's about obeying what you self think is right for your own being, not what some cuntfart wrote in a book 2000 years ago what NOT to do. Because christianity is basically just about not allowing oneself to do what one truly wants, they fetched the opposite of the symbol of good christian behaviour, Satan, and named their movement after him.
I don't claim to be a satanist but I sympathize with many of the views decribed in their bible. Just because they make a lot more sense than jesus & pals' do.

Usually "satanist" bands like Dimmu Borgir don't actually believe in the devil but use him as an extreme to badmouth christianity. So now you know that!

Hail Satan!

Pretty much what I was gonna say after a while myself.

The important part that most people skip, is that you're supposed to SHOW respect as much as demand it. Most people tend to skip part 1 of that and instead embrace part 2.
panzerKunt said:
Satanism has nothing to do with the bad guy in the bible. Satan reperesents your ego, your lust and your desires. The reason why it's called satanism is because it's about obeying what you self think is right for your own being, not what some cuntfart wrote in a book 2000 years ago what NOT to do. Because christianity is basically just about not allowing oneself to do what one truly wants, they fetched the opposite of the symbol of good christian behaviour, Satan, and named their movement after him.
I don't claim to be a satanist but I sympathize with many of the views decribed in their bible. Just because they make a lot more sense than jesus & pals' do.

Usually "satanist" bands like Dimmu Borgir don't actually believe in the devil but use him as an extreme to badmouth christianity. So now you know that!

Hail Satan!

haha you said cuntfart