
predator666 said:
in egypt everything is cheap and makes you feel all happy
it's also: too hot, dirty, you can't walk the street withougt being bugged by some annoying bastard trying to sell you something,camels stink, food is pish, women are ugly and pyramids are overrated.

Ralf said:
it's also: too hot, dirty, you can't walk the street withougt being bugged by some annoying bastard trying to sell you something,camels stink, food is pish, women are ugly and pyramids are overrated.


:rock: sounds like a humdidaleeedooo of a time am i right?
Satan represents a struggle against tyranny and a fight against the brainwashed masses and the unthinking, cruel and punishing hordes of mankind that follow the Right Hand Path: The bloody path of God worship. God, as a powerful White-Light force, has tricked and deluded mankind into accepting it's gospel truth, and to put it simply: The majority of mankind are too stupid, fearful, weak and sheep-like to ever realize that they are following the wrong god.
i don't consider myself as a christian or religious person at all, but i think the main problem why most of the people nowadays reject the (christian) bible is cos hardly anybody understands the real message of it anymore. i'm not into the bible at all, but the whole thing about you mustn't do this and that, no sex and dirty thoughts and whatever was just meant to call on people to think about other things in life than materialism and physical pleasure/desire but also develop your spirit. the whole interpretation of the basic message of the bible just failed cos there've been too many stupid and fanatic people around who needed to defend the only thing they could believe in as there were no other options for them to answer the mysteries of life and death. remember that in former times when there was no science the church was the only thing to believe in to try to find answers. by that i'm definately not saying that sciene is doing a better job at it nowadays, as it's obvious that it hasn't made anyone happier or healthier or more satisfied. but the question of material and spiritual worlds is another one so i better quit here. blah amen.
Lord Hasselhoff said:
I bet a penny you're listening to satanic bands like Cradle of Filth and Children of Bodom, right? Go to church and grow up, sucker.

(mumble) damn teenagers...

wtf?? Children of Bodom? SAtanic band?:lol:I guess this was sarcastic.

Personaly I think that science has come to far, like i think we should accept death
and stop trying to slow down the proces or even stop it for a few years. I know a few people who belive that everything happends for a reason, and if death is such a big factor of our live, then let it be. I have nothing against anyone with diffrent opinos so please share you comments :lol:
BodomIsYourGod said:
Personaly I think that science has come to far, like i think we should accept death
and stop trying to slow down the proces or even stop it for a few years. I know a few people who belive that everything happends for a reason, and if death is such a big factor of our live, then let it be. I have nothing against anyone with diffrent opinos so please share you comments :lol:

If everything happens for a reason, doesn't it mean that being able to live longer also is meant to happen? :loco:
panzerKunt said:
You havent even read the Satanic Bible sucker, fuck off and listen to AYDY.

I have read it, and think that parts of it are really good, like the "Do what thou whilst" thing adapted from Crowley. But the thing is that anyone who lives by a book, and thereby belive that some things are always wrong or right, are an idiot in my opinion
Sister Of Sorrow said:
by that i'm definately not saying that sciene is doing a better job at it nowadays, as it's obvious that it hasn't made anyone happier or healthier or more satisfied.

That's not entirely true. Because I am a curious and more or less geeky person I like to find out why stuff happens and gaining knowledge makes me at least more satisfied and perhaps even happier. Also science has definitely made people more healthy altough it has not been able to rid people of all diseases.

I think religion was mainly formed to explain the unexplained but is currently mainly only used to control the people and their opinions like here, which actually is the funniest thing I've read that has anything to do with the hurricane..
“God already allows one awards show to promote the homosexual agenda,” Robertson declared. “But clearly He will not tolerate such sinful behavior to spread beyond the Tonys.”

BodomIsYourGod said:
I know a few people who belive that everything happends for a reason, and if death is such a big factor of our live, then let it be.

If this was meant as a serious post, it has to be one of the lousiest arguments I have ever seen. You know some people who believe everything happens for a reason, so now we should all abandon medicine?
Come on, you must admit it is propostrous. And if it wasn't meant seriously, it wasn't really funny. Not insulting, but not funny.

And i should know, cause I'm one of the funniest guys around here.

(if anyone sees the flaw in MY argumentation in the above sentence, you will have earned a spanking and a cookie)
Anton Lavey was a lunatic and full of shit. His so called "Satanic Bible" is nothing but a mixture of his opinions, stuff he stole from various other people and some stupid rituals for his new movement, the Satanic Church. And all that to oppose the oh-so-backward church. I mean, come on, it doesnt get any more hypocritical.

Satanism in the way of "Dont do anything you wouldnt want anyone to do to you either" makes sense in a way, but then again it's what everyone already does anyway. I mean I dont need Satanism to tell me I should hit back when Im hit in the face, so..