
predator666 said:
agreed but i would greatly appriciate you stop refering to me as a fatass american. I dont judge by stereotypes i judge by character. can you at least do that for me?

not to be a dick or anything, but i really love the ethnocentrism. I mean i'm a Native of New York and i'm like 6'2 and 150 lbs. that is under weight. I dont sit in front of the T.V. i dont drive a brand new car. i drive an 11-year old import to save gas mileage. i pretty much fend for myself. im 17 when i turn 18 my parents are kickin me out. i work for everything i own. i'm the 2nd generation of my family born in the U.S. my ancestors are scottish, polish, and russian.

Just to show that all americans arent over-weight fat kids who complain about not gettin a new car. though i will admit that there are waay too many fat asses around these days.
Heavenscent said:
I didn't have a car when i was 17...I don't even have a ar now.

actually i would recommend a nice bike cuz gas sux and cars are hi-mantience. not that i dont liek workin on cars. it is jsut where i live i need a car to get around.
The Soulforged said:
actually i would recommend a nice bike cuz gas

Telling the Dutch to get a bike... lol
dude, they ride bikes before they learn to walk.

My experience in Amsterdam is that cyclists ride where the hell they like and aim in a state of rage at all pedestrians while ringing their bell loudly, the concept of avoiding people being foreign to them. My dream holiday would be:
a) a ticket to Amsterdam
b) immunity from prosecution and
c) a baseball bat :-)
bodomite said:
I have a new found respect for this predator guy...... every time he is insulted he doesnt get mad! :)

yeah whatever happened to "smithe back with mighty force" or whatever lavey preached about. and didnt he quit the sect like a few days before he died?
Religion is a form of guidance that all humans seek, following it is like being a sheep! its all cleverly constructed words that misleads us into folowing something (whe think whe understand) but whe dont understand and dont have to, because its "above us humans" and this is why its one of the easiest way of abusing peoples minds! imo. But there are some religions that actually use this form of "abuse" to help people carry on with their lives, thus its actually a good thing.
I think that religion sucks. I mean how can you believe in fuckin stories and bible (and satanic bible also) is nothing more than a fuckin story. One fat book with a lot of crap in it.In year 4000 they will beleive in lord of the rings or what? :tickled: :tickled:
Look around Osama bin laden uses religion as a weapon. They kill 1000 people and what do they say ''the will of alah''. :ill:
Some people just feel good when they think that someone is looking after them, because they are not selfconfident. :Smug:
Some are just afraid that they will dissapear and they live for nothing. So they feel good when they think that they will go in heaven or I dont know where. . . :Smug:
The only good thing about religion is that sometimes helps poor or sick people
and that you can always talk to priest when you have a bad time.

How can church have golden pictures and silver statues when people around church are dying for hunger. Is that religion? Oh yeah give church 100 bucks and you wont burn in hell :tickled: :tickled:
But some religions are good like budism you believe in buda for yourself not because other do. And . . .

well everyone belives is different thing. I belive in me and metal :rock: :rock: you should enjoy life and do thigs you wanna do.I'll shut up now (my english sucks) :)
DeathPact said:
Religion is a form of guidance that all humans seek, following it is like being a sheep! its all cleverly constructed words that misleads us into folowing something (whe think whe understand) but whe dont understand and dont have to, because its "above us humans" and this is why its one of the easiest way of abusing peoples minds! imo. But there are some religions that actually use this form of "abuse" to help people carry on with their lives, thus its actually a good thing.

do you not read, satanism states that you take the religion in whatever way makes most sense to you.
Sundown said:
I think that religion sucks. I mean how can you believe in fuckin stories and bible (and satanic bible also) is nothing more than a fuckin story. One fat book with a lot of crap in it.In year 4000 they will beleive in lord of the rings or what? :tickled: :tickled:
Look around Osama bin laden uses religion as a weapon. They kill 1000 people and what do they say ''the will of alah''. :ill:
Some people just feel good when they think that someone is looking after them, because they are not selfconfident. :Smug:
Some are just afraid that they will dissapear and they live for nothing. So they feel good when they think that they will go in heaven or I dont know where. . . :Smug:
The only good thing about religion is that sometimes helps poor or sick people
and that you can always talk to priest when you have a bad time.

How can church have golden pictures and silver statues when people around church are dying for hunger. Is that religion? Oh yeah give church 100 bucks and you wont burn in hell :tickled: :tickled:
But some religions are good like budism you believe in buda for yourself not because other do. And . . .

well everyone belives is different thing. I belive in me and metal :rock: :rock: you should enjoy life and do thigs you wanna do.I'll shut up now (my english sucks) :)

yea your an idiot thats wahy sataism is. Doing whatever you want and still keeping it within the guidelines, which are extremely vague
I like Jesus
