
I don't give a shit about any religion or any philosophy, I can make my own mind and I don't need somebody else tell me what to do, I know what's right and what's wrong. I have nothing against Bible, if people find answers in it, good for them. I read LaVey's book and I found it useless.I feel like it was written for goth and emo kids who have problems with self esteem, if it helps them good for them too. I like Satan because he's a cool villain, I think about him like about comic book character, he is just cool. And I bet most of 'satanic' bands think the same, I mean that music just don't fit cute angels wearing white robes :)
I just have problems with any kind of authority, doesnt matter if it's God or the Devil. I don't need any of them to live good and honest life. :)
Lord Hasselhoff said:
I bet a penny you're listening to satanic bands like Cradle of Filth and Children of Bodom, right? Go to church and grow up, sucker.

(mumble) damn teenagers...

dont talk to me like that, i listen to what i choose to listen too, all satanist have different points of views on how they can take the satanic statements
Enemy242 said:
you're a 15 year old satanist that puts shit in his sig and advertises it? personally i say satanism is pretty lame by itself but advertising it is worse, i don't put in my sig HEY D00DS I DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD HAIL NOTHING but whatever, you'll probably grow out of satanism soon once you realize people don't think you're cool or hardcore or evil.

thank you, i do hail satan, there is nothign wrong with my signature, i dont give two shits what anyone thinks of me, i have rarely talked about my satanism and i keep it to myself
Draznog said:
isen't satanism beliving in yourself and making your own choice not actully worshiping the dark lord lucifer.

you can make of it what you wish, believe in satan as a symbol of all of christianities so called "sins" and use them for self indulgence, these "false pleasures" make even christians feel satisfied, so why deny that. Use satan as more of an idol of doing basicly whatever makes you feel good about yourself. As for those who think its for goths and emo kids, stop insulting me, i asked a smiple question hopeing i could get some civilized responses.
predator666 said:
As for those who think its for goths and emo kids, stop insulting me, i asked a smiple question hopeing i could get some civilized responses.

so you say that my response wasn't civilized? And if other's opinions insult you, sorry, but you are emo.
Ralf said:
so you say that my response wasn't civilized? And if other's opinions insult you, sorry, but you are emo.

i didnt say it insulted me i said thats what you were trying to do, if you dont want to talk about something like this, fuck off. start another thread about whatever the fuck you want. i dont give a shit what you think but dont talk just to hear yourself
predator666 said:
i dont give a shit what you think but dont talk just to hear yourself

It's a forum... And unless you're blind as shit (which ralf's last reply shows), or a typical "Cannae read" american, we don't all have those things that reads things out pages to us.
-Gavin- said:
It's a forum... And unless you're blind as shit (which ralf's last reply shows), or a typical "Cannae read" american, we don't all have those things that reads things out pages to us.

you just love to shit all over the us, look i was saying "talk" as an example, if he types in a way that pushes himself up and lowers the value of others, hes likely the same when talking. I would really appriciate you not judgeing me by my nationality, just because i lived here for 2 years. I lived in egypt for 8 and scotland for 5 ok. I'm pretty damn diverse.
predator666 said:
you just love to shit all over the us, look i was saying "talk" as an example, if he types in a way that pushes himself up and lowers the value of others, hes likely the same when talking. I would really appriciate you not judgeing me by my nationality, just because i lived here for 2 years. I lived in egypt for 8 and scotland for 5 ok. I'm pretty damn diverse.

He's not like that when talking though. You say don't judge you... i say don't judge him. I know him in person.
The Soulforged said:
are you actually a satanist like it says it one your birth certificate??

i dont care what ppl beleive in. Im a strong supporter of freedom of religion

no, i became a satanist when i was about 10, at that age it was hard for me to get a copy of the satanic bible. so i found a site that had the entire thing writen out and began reading. At that time it was hard for me to grasp, i have grown to strongly agree with all of anton lavey's ideas.
-Gavin- said:
He's not like that when talking though. You say don't judge you... i say don't judge him. I know him in person.

agreed but i would greatly appriciate you stop refering to me as a fatass american. I dont judge by stereotypes i judge by character. can you at least do that for me?
And man, you just get too excited about things, my first post in this threat wasnt aimed agaist anybody, not even you. I said that I find lavey's book useless to ME. My opinion about what he has to say belongs to ME and I have right to say WHATEVER I want. If you can't understand that put a towel on your head and go eat some curry.
Ralf said:
And man, you just get too excited about things, my first post in this threat wasnt aimed agaist anybody, not even you. I said that I find lavey's book useless to ME. My opinion about what he has to say belongs to ME and I have right to say WHATEVER I want. If you can't understand that put a towel on your head and go eat some curry.

indeed, my apologies for taking it the way i did. I just get very fired up when somone starts to talk about religion, only because i have alot to say.
predator666 said:
indeed, my apologies for taking it the way i did. I just get very fired up when somone starts to talk about religion, only because i have alot to say.
You just earned some respect. Good for you. Most of people started conversations about stuff like that also were freaking out like you did, but they all ended up leaving this forum forever or slitting their wrists.