
@hyena: in fact she's a christian believer. i guess you didn't read the whole of it, did you? ;)

@rei toei: however, satanist philosophy is pretty much a minority feature of the inner vulgarity and chicken-squandering that is the popular background of ignorant, anti-everything gothic fanbase which pretty much sums up satanists all around the world. i'd say most hideous things have some higher (yet at times despicable) level of reason behind, it's just that unfortunately the same does not go for people.

let me clarify - i didn't want to make fun of Rei! what i was saying was exactly: that's exactly what satanists say about themselves, as visible from, but the weird thing is that they think they're going to look attractive by affirming, say, that they want to be arrogant.

as for me, i'm + 1 yrs old, since it's my birthday :smug:

hyena (team up)
@rahvin: well, i agree with your analysis. i was just defining what 'satanism' should be, not what it does look like to the majority of humans ;)
btw, a similar thing happens to christianism: people identify it as 'self-annihilation to a higher purpose' which is totally untrue but take look at what the Church has done over the centuries 'in the name of god'... can you blame them? :s
Let me see... so Soulscar and Thanatos are satanists, 'cos they wanna do sth with the United League of Virgins Of The World. Rahvin is a satanist, sure, 'cos I saw a photo of him doing weird things to a cat. Jakoni "the album ripper" use to describe circles around the DT new albums while singing to convert them to mp3. And Rei Toei is not only an expert in the kitchen, she wonders us speaking more than usual... ¡¡¡This thread is under black arts!!!

@FatherViquito "aquienlehanrobadoelnick": Maybe Santa's reputation is safe, but I assure you Rudolph is involved in kinda sorcery-evil arts. Otherwise, what the red nose means? A semaphor?


Originally posted by Rei Toei
and black hooked figures
Hey, did you call for me? :wave: :grin:
are features that mostly characterize 'scary movies' only :rolleyes:
Oh, no, why? I love cute kittens... alive and whole and meowing ones, I mean :cry:

Alfred (oh, why does the world think so bad about me? *sob*)

@alfred: *ahem* 'black' doesn't mean 'colorful' :p
you're as scary as a bunny plush with your jacket on :rolleyes:
besides, you darker sweater w/hood is medium grey :lol:

/me (you know why, heartless being) :flame:
Originally posted by phyre

Anyway, Therion are not satanists, they just suck. As a special treat for you all, here's a lyric off their first and supposedly most "death metal" album:

Asphykiate With Fear
The amazon
Is attacked
Jungles killed
Support no air
Coca Cola
Burns the woods
And plants fruit trees
To serve you drinks

Multinational corporations
That's what It's all about
To making money and feed their ass
That is the reason why

We all die

Burn the woods
And kill the air

Of the air
And despair

God [so much for satanism, eh?]

Feed their cows
With our children's

Ten years past
All are dead
Trees are gone
And so all life

:lol: :lol: :lol: Those were about the funniest lyrics I have ever read. :lol: and they are actually metal lyrics. :lol:
Originally posted by LoKo
If anyone here wanna know about a good Christian metal band then listen to Immortal Souls... their death metal songs are just awesome.

I seccond that one! I didn't even know they were Christian at first. They're he only Christian band I've herad that I actually like.
Satanism is a great philosophy for expanding you thoughts without a god or dogma holding you down. It is not about blood sacrafice or any of those other stereotypes. It's simply about yourself.
Originally posted by condatis
Satanism is a great philosophy for expanding you thoughts without a god or dogma holding you down. It is not about blood sacrafice or any of those other stereotypes. It's simply about yourself.

you mean, expanding your thoughts about yourself, or simply make them ehmmm bigger??? ;)

fathervic (too little butter on his bread)
@condatis: if i substitute "satanism" with "bungee jumping" in your post, the substance stays the same. of course i've got nothing against bungee jumping, and i even reckon there's less people being generally disgusting in the name of bungee jumping than there are in the name of satan. i guess this should ring a faint bell as to what names are all about. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by FatherVic
but I like bungee jumping....well never felt the experience, but I believe ;)

i have devised a new form of bungee jumping matching precisely the "belief" condition. it is halfway between normal bungee, middle ages' trial by fire and modern day criminal laws. :)
now for a brief example: let's say fathervic claims |ngenius is a satanist. "i bet your claim won't stand a chance against rahvin's trial by bungee!" shouts offended |ngenius waving his black-painted fist in the air. so fathervic goes to the bridge and jumps off, after being tied and bound to all the usual bungee jumping stuff. except for one. the elastic rope.
at the end of a short but intense waydown, fathervic will find himself faced with two possibilities:
a) dying, thus proving |ngenius to be innocent, or at least quite subtly clever as is probably the case with most satanists
b) luckily escaping his horrible fate by resorting to means such: an elastic trampoline placed just at the point of most likely impact, vast amounts of water engulfing him (fathervic is a good swimmer), divine intervention.

i'm actually starting to think this should be introduced as a rule of law in western civilized countries. ;)
