So, it doesn't seem like anyone from the board was there except for me. The show was good, not great. I honestly thought it'd be a longer set considering the whole thing was set up exclusively for them.
People were there early for an autograph signing. My friends and I found a spot right against the railing on the second tier and camped out. There was a female DJ playing metal up until the band came on. She was channeling RJD throughout as she kept dancing around with a sword; it was funny and cringe inducing at the same time.
I flipped on my phone and saw that Anthrax posted on facebook that it was supposed to start at 9. As I said up top, I figured they'd do a long headlining set, possibly 2 hours, so I was waiting for them to come on at 9. Nope, 9:30 they came on. So now I'm thinking they'll play until 11, maybe 11:30. Again, denied. They were off at 10:40. How do you have your own event and not do a headlining length set?
Like others have posted, I wish they did less covers and more of their own songs. Charlie was trying to get Joey behind the kit for "I'm the Man" but I think they're going to play it tomorrow (at least that's what I believe from reading between the lines between them).
Another disappointment was their merch table. Four really crappy looking t-shirts, the Dickie's work shirt that Scott wore onstage and that was it. I really want a shirt with the Fight 'Em artwork. How they don't make that shirt is beyond me.
I was really amused to see Frankie playing a purple bass. I instantly thought of the thread with people complaining about Rob's purple guitar.