Saturday night in Brisbane


Jun 11, 2001
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Greetings to the Brisbane people.I'm coming up on Saturday to watch the Wallabies play England in the rugby union.Anyone know of any metal happening?
Also,does anyone want to meet up for a drink either at a gig or in the arvo before i go the game.I arrvie about lunch time.leave details of a pub here or send me a PM(i will check before i arrive in Brisbane).i'm staying in the city(Goodearth Hotel).

Also,i have 1 spare ticket for sale if anyone want to come to the game.i paid $140 for it but will sell it for $80(enough to buy a few drinks for myself!). :rock:
Damn Ralphie boy, would love to come along, its a little short notice though :(

Lemme see about the beers meetup, is your mobile number the same? if its changed PM it to me will ya, if im free for a beer I will call or message ya :kickass:
Southy said:
Damn Ralphie boy, would love to come along, its a little short notice though :(

Lemme see about the beers meetup, is your mobile number the same? if its changed PM it to me will ya, if im free for a beer I will call or message ya :kickass:
sorry about the short notice.I meant to post last month but forgot all about it with being away and then busy looking for work when i got back.yes,still on the same phone number.

i'm sure i will be able to sell the ticket but i hope to do it early in the day so that i have this stage,i have enough for accomodation and not much else.
Icarus said:
I dont know about hte football...but hey I'll have a few no plans for sat night atm. Post here and tell us whats happening!

you guys are the locals!you tell me what's happening in your town.i was hoping to go somewhere close to wherei'm staying in the city i guess:kickass:
There is a gig, but the content of the music is questionable to say the least :) Well apart from sedition which pretty much always play a maiden and priest cover hehe. Its in the valley which is a $10 cab ride from the city.
Icarus said:
There is a gig, but the content of the music is questionable to say the least :) Well apart from sedition which pretty much always play a maiden and priest cover hehe. Its in the valley which is a $10 cab ride from the city.

thanks for the few beers!i was very hungover sunday morning(it was a12 hour session in the end after staring at midday!).had to check out of hotel and catch plane back to Sydney and i was struggling.Didn't help that i had no money left(just enough for train to airport and meatpie and coke at airport....then walk home from the airport in Sydney).

that's 3 times in 3 years that iv'e been to brisbane and each time i have been short of cash.Have to make sure i have plenty of money next time i'm up north!:wave: :rock:
KoichCPA said:
:lol: Not really in ralphes case, his place is basically on the end of the runway.

yes,very close to the a straight line would probably only be about a few hundred metres(the wheels almost touch the roof as they come into land) but a little bit further to walk..still only about 20 minutes walk(and that was hungover!):Spin: